Mon 28 Mar, 2005 01:14 pm
For quite awhile now, i know that my parents smoke pot. Its really hard for me because i'm kinda your "popular prep" girl at my school. I found pot today above my refrigarator and i freaked. I'm not sure what to do. Do I call someone? Do I tell anyone? Please help me i have know idea what to do!!!!!
Turn them in. Then you can join the sex police and the junior anti sex league.
I bet they're guilty of thought crime too.
I don't want to join the sex police.?.?
What's required reading in High school these days? Green Eggs and Ham?
It's a reference to George Orwell "1984." The children were enlisted to report on things their parents did.
Hey, they are probably old and working their butts off to save for you to go to college. Allow 'em this one small pleasure.
squinney wrote:
Hey, they are probably old and working their butts off to save for you to go to college. Allow 'em this one small pleasure.
Depends how much weed they have. Ok, ok, sorry....
I agree with squinny.
you don't understand! they don't work their butts off!! I'm just 13 and i need help!!! please just help me!!!!!!
Why do you need help, though, helplessteen?
My parents smoked pot, and I didn't like it much but I can't imagine freaking like this because I found it. Was always in plain sight, actually. (Never smoked it myself, though.)
Have you talked to them about it? "Please hide it better, I don't want to know about it" or whatever?
I mean, I think there are sometimes behaviors of people who smoke pot that are problematic. But you don't say anything about that, just that you found it, and smoking pot does not automatically equal anything too awful.
I'll bet it makes them the most laid back parents in your group of friends.
I've talked to them about it several times they just keep denying it though... and i don't want to turn them into the police because then i woulden't have any place to live.
helplessteen wrote:I've talked to them about it several times they just keep denying it though... and i don't want to turn them into the police because then i woulden't have any place to live.
don't worry honey, the state will take of you.
It's difficult for you to deal with the fact that they're breaking a rule that they enforce with you. Just like parents who forbid their kids to smoke but smoke themselves.
Nowadays, unless you're dealing, the punishment for pot smoking is rather slight. What's more worrying is that a neighbor could find out and call Social Services...then there'd be real trouble...for they're endangering a minor.
Well i still love my parents very much i just wish that they would stop!!
Is there anyone at school that you could confide in? Like a counselor?
I don't understand why they are denying it. You found it, you talked to them about it, and they deny it's theirs. Who do they think it belongs to?
Unfortunately you've just been disillusioned about your parents. Whoever you thought they were, it turns out you didn't know them as much as you thought you did. Your foundation has been rocked and you feel like the floor has fallen away, right?
Something in your first post caught my eye. You say it's hard for you because you're a 'popular prep' at school. What does that have to do with the fact that your parents smoke pot? Are you more concerned with your image among your friends or the fact that your parents are not the people you thought they were?
J_B, That's the other thread.
Still trying to figure out what the problem is.
squinney wrote:J_B, That's the other thread.

It is? wait, gotta check the first post again....
nope it's helpless here who's the 'popular prep' and her parents are denying they smoke. Maybe it's the disillusionment part that was the other one. Helpless, are you disillisioned or just worried what your friends are going to think?
Thanks.. you guys have made me feel much better. Its really not as easy as it sounds. To some people all you might hear me say is "Blah Blah Blah"but its really more than that. I've talked to my VERY best friend about it she dosn't understand, buti know she tries. What I meant by 'popular prep' is that everyone thinks i'm a little rich kid so perfect.... but i'm not. My home is fine its not all eww.. I do get exactly what i need. But when it comes to pot they just deny it. and they are very good to me. I just want to help them in anyway i can but if their not willing then i'm hopeless and helpless.