He's just attuned.
If Mr. Tambourine Man is good, what about Blowin' in the Wind? Iconic... the man's words moved a generation. I've been looking at the compilation of lyrics -- what a huge body of work!
I think Dylan's early love songs are as full of feeling as his great songs of protest... Girl from the North Country, Tonight, I'll be Staying (here with you), Boots of Spanish Leather, Big Girl, To Be Alone With You, ...
Quote:Ev'rything is always right
When I'm alone with you.
Quote:Love is so simple, to quote a phrase,
You've known it all the time, I'm learnin' it these days.
Quote:We had a falling-out, like lovers often will
And to think of how she left that night, it still brings me a chill...
Quote:Kick your shoes off, do not fear,
Bring that bottle over here.
I'll be your baby tonight.
Then, he had that long, painful and self-revealing era of love, religion, children -- not my favorite period which I still don't quite "get" -- followed by the plaintive "Well, you'd be honest with me if only you knew."
These are songs from the man's soul. We've seen him grow up, have fun, protest, fall in love & be devastated. It is almost too much, too telling. As Spendius (I think) said, it is hard to imagine life without Dylan's songs.