I don't want to come across as brushing you off but I really want to stick to my decision to not get involved and if I were involved I'd really not want to make the quorum for consist of the site membership
You bring up a good example of why it's simpler to just have a blanket "no posting of your links" policy and why the link rule changes will be hard to codify.
Yes, putting one's link in the profile field has been allowed. But you sometimes post telling people to click on it which circumvents the notion of not using posts to solicit website traffic. You also had put a call to click on it in your signature.
Some abuse the field and use automated tools to register profiles in order to try to get backlinks and improve their search engine rankings. They often put porn sites in their profiles and we've recently had a mother very upset about it.
You can read more about the automated registration/profile spamming here:
Webmasters who want to "share" come in all types, some I wouldn't necessarily object to but the flip side of the spectrum is very disruptive to site resources and the desire webmasters have to share their sites can be very problematic (spam is essentially people wanting others to have a look at their site).
How to deal with that is somthing that is not easy and is being worked on but to clarify the
current policy, yes, it is allowed to put the website there but not to make calls to click on it elsewhere.
Art is something that this medium doesn't deal with well. I am working on some features to address this and it's one of the reasons I asked the admins to help rewrite the linking rules.
Ultimately (might take a while as I haven't had the time) I think we'll provide free galleries to display one's art but I'm not sure we want to open up the "art hole" on the boards as "artist spam" (even non-commercial) is significant enough to be concerned.
The rule is not in place to prevent commerce, but to prevent site resources from becoming used for solicitation of web traffic.
Members probably don't see it but it is
by far the greatest problem we deal with, ranging from pulling spam (easily the bulk of removed posts and we usually get hit multiple times a day), bots unleashed on the site that really harm the database load, scraper spiders who cache content and use it to convert into traffic....
It's a very real problem that members don't see due to the spam filters that are the site moderators. And like a rule-based software spam filter there will always be what some will consider a false positive.
Getting the criteria right is not easy, and I know right now that loosening it will cause more work.
Anywho, I really need to get out of here now, I am very behind on some work people pay me for and want to get back to ignoring A2K's community issues (the financial and tech stuff needs to be my priority).