wonder if my head is spinning due to blood pressure, sugar, or adrenalin
Low blood sugar can make your head spin.
I'm no doctor, but from my personal experience as a diebetic, when low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) hits, the wooziness is accompanied by a cold sweat. I always carry a package of chuckles, the consumption of which brings immediate relief.
flyboy804 wrote:I'm no doctor, but from my personal experience as a diebetic, when low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) hits, the wooziness is accompanied by a cold sweat. I always carry a package of chuckles, the consumption of which brings immediate relief.
I just shake my head hard to clear my vision and keep moving on.
As PO'd as I am- right now once I get over the PO - it'll be behavior modification on the diet - low carb and low salt and exercise as soon as possible.
I'm willing to bet ALOT they screwed up the test - I cannot tell you how many times I've been checked and all been negative for diabetes or even pre.
Do your own blood sugar test, Husker. The new contraptions they have on the market now really take the pain out of the finger stick. Fasting is simply the way to get an average of the highs and lows.
Fasting does not take an average but allows for a constant base for comparing readings taken on different days. The averaging comes from the A1C readings, which I believe require special equipment, provide an average of the last 60-90 days. In my case , for instance, my pre breakfast glucose reading is usually between 95 and 120, My pre dinner reading is usually between 130 and 165, depending upon at what time I had a mid afternoon bagel or slice of pizza. (Obviously I'm not adhering to a diabetic's diet.) Oh, and my A1C reading, which I get every three months from the doctor, is stuck at 7.1. He'd like to see it below 7.0 but I won't cooperate- too old.
concerned. Please be better real soon.
I talked to Husker tonight in the hospital. He was anxious to hear from someone, I think. We had a long conversation. Typically, he spent a lot of it talking about how much worse off a lot of other people are. He's in good spirits and they've gotten his fever down from 103 to 102, then they iced him down hoping it would reduce it more. I'm posting updates on the "Healing Husker @ Home" thread. If anyone wants his phone number in the hospital, PM me and I'll give it to you. He'd love to hear from you guys.
Just spoke to Husker. (thanks, Eva). He is feeling a bit better, but is very bored. (I consider that a very good sign.) The doctor said that he is not going home tomorrow. They feel that he still needs to be in the hospital.
He is keeping busy by doing some work right from his hospital bed. He sends his regards to all of you.
I know that he would appreciate calls from other A2Kers.
Good news, thanks for the update, Phoenix!
If you need some venting, yell at us. At least we'll listen and you know we're on your side. Not only that, we'll answer. I know what it's like to feel that you and the doctor are not on the same page.
oh I been venting on my family - with a migraine spawned from my chemical imbalance. I say I'm sorry alot,then say don't asked me any questions that cause me to respond.
oh I wrote a bunch of stuff on "healing husker at home"