I will attempt to answer the questions you are presenting. I am speaking as a liberal democrat. My response is based on my prior interactions with you, as well as other posters interactions with you. I personally believe that the problem is not necessarily what you say. I think the problem is more to do with how you say the things you say. That is just my personal observation. I don't think the occasional disagreement is the real issue. I believe you just rub people the wrong way. This is just my honest assessment. I am perfectly fine with you arguing opposing points of view. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree.
If a group of people truly and honestly agree with each other on specifics, I don't see anything wrong with group thinking.
I present ideological narratives when I genuinely and honestly believe in that narrative. I also will articulate and present evidence to why I believe the narrative I am presenting. I also have no problem with other posters, such as yourself, presenting opposing views to my narratives. On the other hand, if you present your opposing views in a conceited or snotty way, then you should expect your points of view to be attacked.
I am speaking as a liberal. When engaging in a debate with someone, some level of conflict is to be expected. Some level of conflict is not unusual when debating. You might find that when you challenge the group thinking, that the conflict probably wouldn't be as bad if you did it in a non-conceited and non-snotty way.
When I am on a political thread, I expect opposing views. In fact I welcome opposing views. The fun is in the debating of opinions, facts, and evidence. If I didn't have opposing views to debate with, it would get real boring real fast.
If you challenge my ideological narrative in a conceited snotty way, I will definitely respond in a very negative way. I would never want to prevent dissent, but I do relish and enjoy exposing conceited snotty people.
What you refer to as liberal dogma may be what other liberals truly and genuinely believe in, with well thought out reasons for their belief. You can call yourself whatever label you wish to call yourself. It's no big deal.
Just for the record, I have occasionally observed you being attacked unfairly here on A2K.
You might want to at least consider that people might be telling you their honest opinion that happens to be the same as the group. I have no problem having a group of people thinking the same as I do, especially if they are sharing their true honest opinions.
My question to you Max is, have you ever been guilty of dismissing, ignoring, or downplaying a point of view that you disagree with?
There is nothing wrong with a group of like-minded people presenting a counter argument to your argument. I don't consider like-minded people presenting counter arguments as being attacks against dissent.
Do you Max, believe it is wrong for like-minded people to present counter arguments to your points of view?
I don't recall ever reading any post of yours that would warrant you being called a racist. I may have disagreements with you, but I have never considered you to be a racist.
I consider myself to be a liberal. I am also a registered democrat. My views and opinions are my own personal views. I am far left on some issues. I am center left on some issues. I am left of center on some issues. So, I am somewhere on the political left regarding the specific issues that are important to me. Just because my views may be the same or very similar to a group is not a bad thing. We just happen to think alike. I'm not going to change my views just for the sake of being different. I'm going to be who I am. I consider myself knowledgeable of the issues that are important to me. I do articulate my liberal views with a clear understanding of the statements I make, and can discuss intelligently the reasons for my statements. For anyone who wants to be different just to be different, that is their prerogative. My ideological narratives are based on facts as well as opinions. Yes I am very aware that some facts can be subjective. It's okay to be different. Just don't be different just for the sake of being different. Just as long as you have a grasp and understanding of the issues and can articulate your views intelligently, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing the same or similar views as a group. Some people think alike and there is nothing wrong with that.
My ideology is a direct result of the facts. Let me be very clear, I do understand that some facts can be subjective. That still doesn't change the fact that my ideology is a direct result of the facts.
If I believe that you made a valid point, I have no problem saying so. On the other hand, just because you say a particular point is valid doesn't necessarily make it valid.
You seem to be confused. I will try to clarify myself, so that you can better understand where I am coming from.
First of all my liberal ideology is a direct result of the facts.
My personal opinions are based on my gut feelings which are sometimes backed up by facts. My personal opinion is sometimes based on bits and pieces of incomplete and missing information.
You seem to get the two confused.
Those two things are not necessarily the same.
For example:
I find you Max, to be conceited and snotty from reading your many post on many different threads. I also find you Max, often to be a hypocrite.
Answer me this.
1. Is it a fact that you Max, are a conceited snotty person?
2. Is it a fact that you Max, are a hypocrite?
3. Or is that just my personal opinion of you Max?
I ask that question, to show you Max, the difference between factual ideology and personal gut opinions.