Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 12:30 am
I am a Christian. I am not a Christian because I am perfect; I am a Christian because I'm NOT perfect; I'm in desperate need of a savior. Being a "hypocrite," as you so frequently like to refer to your fellow Christians as, does not mean that I am, nor claim to be, perfect. We are sorry when we fail. But God picks us right back up and says, "keep fighting for the sake of my name." So that's what I see here in the case of the "God Squad." Last I heard, not one of them claimed to be perfect. Not one of them claimed to be better than anyone else.

You, rex, however have.

Your arrogance and self-deceit in this situation is astounding to me. You really do believe that you aren't on a side. interesting.

Oh, by the way... when I said "Our standard is one higher than non-hatred," the "our" in there was referring to Christians, not society. I thought I made that obvious, so I'm sorry for the confusion.

Also... Rex, you speak so frequently of these girls being "judgemental." WHo have they judged and what have they said? Because the last I checked, standing up for a standard of truth is Biblical. The only entry I see in this forum that shows any amount of judging is in your own words. YOU are judging the hearts, motives, and spirituality of these girls.

"Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. i care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in the darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time, each will receive his praise from God." (1 Cor. 4)

I know that now, you will bring up all your defenses and tear apart my comment. but before you do that, think about what I am saying. Search yourself and your own motives. Are you just trying to be right? or are you really looking for the truth in this matter? You've made it obvious thus far, I guess we'll see what you do with this one. Your ramant ramblings don't mean much to anyone on here anymore. Prove that what you are claiming has any truth to it.

"We are fools for Christ...
When we are cursed, we bless;
when we are persecuted, we endure it;
when we are slandered, we answer kindly." (1 Cor. 4)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 09:19 am
Rex....i didnt tell you who i am becuace you were freakin out about it yesterday trying to figure out who it was. i tried to tell you but i didnt have time to. i wanted to see what i did that made you so mad. are you mad becuase i said i thought we were close are you mad because im not chosing sides. i hate when people are mad at me and i think that we have gotten somewhat close so i didnt really want to screw that up so quickly. if you still want to know who i am tell me on here and i will tell you at the play tonight. but not if you are gonna flip out on me.
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 12:33 pm
irrelevant wrote:
Last I heard, not one of them claimed to be perfect. Not one of them claimed to be better than anyone else.

You, rex, however have.

Show me where I have. Quote me on it.

Fact is, you can't. Because I've never claimed that.

Your arrogance and self-deceit in this situation is astounding to me. You really do believe that you aren't on a side. interesting.

I am not on a side-- if you think I am, what is your reasoning behind your thinking? Who's side am I on, then?

Fact of the matter is, I've counciled both sides-- it just so happens that YOU keep thinking I'm attacking you, while the other side is taking in some of the things I'm saying. Get over yourselves and listen. And before you start in, I'm listening to you-- I just haven't heard anything logical to make me believe that you're right.

Also... Rex, you speak so frequently of these girls being "judgemental."

You really enjoy making false claims, don't you? Wink

Again, show me even one time where I've said the "God Squad" was "judgemental."

YOU are judging the hearts, motives, and spirituality of these girls.

I judge not. Instead, I observe and comment. Which everyone on your side seems to be taking as "judging and attacking" instead. Not surprising, since it's obvious you like jumping to conclusions without viewing things from other points of view objectively.

I know that now, you will bring up all your defenses and tear apart my comment

I don't tear apart comments. I simply look deeper into them for the actual truths they portray. And if they contain no truths, or truths twisted around, then I comment on that myself.

but before you do that, think about what I am saying. Search yourself and your own motives. Are you just trying to be right? or are you really looking for the truth in this matter?

I'm looking for truth in my whole life. I've searched myself, and I know myself-- and I'm not "just trying to be right".

It just so happens that while you may get off of the computer after being on these forums and go live your life, hang out with your friends, etc., I don't do such things. And I'm not saying that's wrong-- far from it--, I'm just saying that my entire life is spent searching for truth.

Instead of going out to a movie with friends, for example, I evaluate my opinons, look over them for flaws. I read, and I take in-- my mind is always racing, in an never-ending quest for wisdom. I say "never-ending" because, truly, there is no end, and there is no way one can have all the wisdom in this vast universe. I am an ever-changing, ever-growing person, but I hold steadfast to my beliefs I know to be true.

A good man is one who is improving all the time, regardless of where he has been. A bad man is one who is getting worse all the time, regardless of where he has been.

Your ramant ramblings don't mean much to anyone on here anymore.

So be it. How others view me with their own perceptions is of little consequence to me, and I refuse to conform to anything simply because my views may not "mean" anything to "anyone".

Prove that what you are claiming has any truth to it.

Read all of my claims. Show me one that has no justification behind it.

cburg2006 wrote:
Rex....i didnt tell you who i am becuace you were freakin out about it yesterday trying to figure out who it was.

I like to get to the bottom of things. I apologize if you viewed it as "freakin' out".

i tried to tell you but i didnt have time to.

Obviously you were around when I was asking people. Why not come up to me then? Why not at least respond? It would have taken less than 3 seconds to say your name-- don't give that "I didn't have time" bologna.

i wanted to see what i did that made you so mad. are you mad becuase i said i thought we were close are you mad because im not chosing sides.

I'm not mad at all. I'm not really "mad" at anyone-- frustrated that the "God Squad" contends that I'm attacking them and that I'm taking a side when I'm not, maybe, but I'm not red-in-the-face angry.

i hate when people are mad at me and i think that we have gotten somewhat close so i didnt really want to screw that up so quickly.

One of the quickest ways to screw up any friendship you have with me is to hide. To not be able to stand by something you've said. I don't care what you look like, who you are...anything like that-- if you cannot stand by your own views and morals, that is something to be abhorred.

if you still want to know who i am tell me on here and i will tell you at the play tonight.

Go right ahead.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 12:43 pm
<chuckles, shrugs>
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 01:36 pm
Tomorrow at school, the GODSQUAD is going to confront all you heathens, and make sure you know what your actually talking about. We are trying to lead the way for you people, the way into the love of GOD, but you cant seem to understand that.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 01:54 pm
Lemme try this again, this time takin' a slightly more direct tack:

Luke 18: 9-14

9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Don't notice too many publicans in this conversation.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 01:59 pm

Ain't it grand to be so young and passionate about such trivialities. Were we ever that young? My memory must be fading.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 02:02 pm
I hear ya, Asherman. Those least likely to recognize an irony are those who perpetrate and perpetuate it.

And kids are real good at both perpetratin' and perpetuatin' ironies. I figure its just the nature of the critter.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 02:05 pm
The only thing that is ironic, is you cant see how we are trying to bring the light of GOD, into everyones life. Bring the everlasting love and kindness of GOD, into the lives of all we care about.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 02:09 pm
Couldn't have asked for a better affirmation of my point, CBurgit. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 02:17 pm
Im not perpetuating irony, only pointing yours out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 02:31 pm
Whatever works for ya, kid. Your take is not at all unexpected.

Its just about text-book, in fact.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 03:05 pm
While I'm not a believer, I do feel that God appreciates thoughtful spelling and accurate punctuation, particularly when conversion is on the agenda.

The literacy level of the Centerville Christians prompts me to send my deepest and most heartfelt sympathy to the Centerville English Department.
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 06:53 pm
The literacy level of the Centerville Christians prompts me to send my deepest and most heartfelt sympathy to the Centerville English Department

Laughing That's the funniest thing I've heard in this entire discussion... Razz
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 07:46 pm
CBurgit wrote:
Tomorrow at school, the GODSQUAD is going to confront all you heathens, and make sure you know what your actually talking about. We are trying to lead the way for you people, the way into the love of GOD, but you cant seem to understand that.

That should win a few souls! Very Happy

BTW, how was the play? What play did the school perform?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 07:57 pm
I am reminded of this poem by Robert Service.

Skip most of it, if you must, but be sure to read the last quatrain:

Bar-Room Ballads: The Ballad of Salvation Bill
Posted By: Webmaster
Published: 2003/7/25
Read 420 times
Size 5.75 KB

The Ballad of Salvation Bill
'Twas in the bleary middle of the hard-boiled Artic night,
I was lonesome as a loon, so if you can,
Imagine my emotions of amazement and delight
When I bumped into that Missionary Man.
He was lying lost and dying in the moon's unholy leer,
And frozen from his toes to finger-tips'
The famished wolf-pack ringed him; but he didn't seem to fear,
As he pressed his ice-bond Bible to his lips.

'Twas the limit of my trap-line, with the cabin miles away,
And every step was like a stab of pain;
But I packed him like a baby, and I nursed him night and day,
Till I got him back to health and strength again.
So there we were, benighted in the shadow of the Pole,
And he might have proved a priceless little pard,
If he hadn't got to worrying about my blessed soul,
And a-quotin' me his Bible by the yard.

Now there was I, a husky guy, whose god was Nicotine,
With a "coffin-nail" a fixture in my mug;
I rolled them in the pages of a pulpwood magazine,
And hacked them with my jack-knife from the plug.
For, Oh to know the bliss and glow that good tobacco means,
Just live among the everlasting ice . . .
So judge my horror when I found my stock of magazines
Was chewed into a chowder by the mice.

A woeful week went by and not a single pill I had,
Me that would smoke my forty in a day;
I sighed, I swore, I strode the floor; I felt I would go mad:
The gospel-plugger watched me with dismay.
My brow was wet, my teeth were set, my nerves were rasping raw;
And yet that preacher couldn't understand:
So with despair I wrestled there - when suddenly I saw
The volume he was holding in his hand.

Then something snapped inside my brain, and with an evil start
The wolf-man in me woke to rabid rage.
"I saved your lousy life," says I; "so show you have a heart,
And tear me out a solitary page."
He shrank and shrivelled at my words; his face went pewter white;
'Twas just as if I'd handed him a blow:
And then . . . and then he seemed to swell, and grow to Heaven's height,
And in a voice that rang he answered: "No!"

I grabbed my loaded rifle and I jabbed it to his chest:
"Come on, you shrimp, give me that Book," says I.
Well sir, he was a parson, but he stacked up with the best,
And for grit I got to hand it to the guy.
"If I should let you desecrate this Holy Word," he said,
"My soul would be eternally accurst;
So go on, Bill, I'm ready. You can pump me full of lead
And take it, but - you've got to kill me first."

Now I'm no foul assassin, though I'm full of sinful ways,
And I knew right there the fellow had me beat;
For I felt a yellow mongrel in the glory of his gaze,
And I flung my foolish firearm at his feet,
Then wearily I turned away, and dropped upon my bunk,
And there I lay and blubbered like a kid.
"Forgive me, pard," says I at last, "for acting like a skunk,
But hide the blasted rifle..." Which he did.

And he also hid his Bible, which was maybe just as well,
For the sight of all that paper gave me pain;
And there were crimson moments when I felt I'd o to hell
To have a single cigarette again.
And so I lay day after day, and brooded dark and deep,
Until one night I thought I'd end it all;
Then rough I roused the preacher, where he stretched pretending sleep,
With his map of horror turned towards the wall.

"See here, my pious pal," says I, "I've stood it long enough...
Behold! I've mixed some strychnine in a cup;
Enough to kill a dozen men - believe me it's no bluff;
Now watch me, for I'm gonna drink it up.
You've seen me bludgeoned by despair through bitter days and nights,
And now you'll see me squirming as I die.
You're not to blame, you've played the game according to your lights...
But how would Christ have played it? - Well, good-bye..."

With that I raised the deadly drink and laid it to my lips,
But he was on me with a tiger-bound;
And as we locked and reeled and rocked with wild and wicked grips,
The poison cup went crashing to the ground.
"Don't do it, Bill," he madly shrieked. "Maybe I acted wrong.
See, here's my Bible - use it as you will;
But promise me - you'll read a little as you go along...
You do! Then take it, Brother; smoke your fill."

And so I did. I smoked and smoked from Genesis to Job,
And as I smoked I read each blessed word;
While in the shadow of his bunk I heard him sigh and sob,
And then . . . a most peculiar thing occurred.
I got to reading more and more, and smoking less and less,
Till just about the day his heart was broke,
Says I: "Here, take it back, me lad. I've had enough I guess.
Your paper makes a mighty rotten smoke."

So then and there with plea and prayer he wrestled for my soul,
And I was racked and ravaged by regrets.
But God was good, for lo! next day there came the police patrol,
With paper for a thousand cigarettes. . .
So now I'm called Salvation Bill; I teach the Living Law,
And Bally-hoo the Bible with the best;
And if a guy won't listen - why, I sock him on the jaw,
And preach the Gospel sitting on his chest.
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 08:09 pm
That should win a few souls!

Exactly-- maybe they could round up all those who don't agree with them and make them do hard labor, too? And if you can't do hard labor, they send you into a "Holy Water bath chamber"... Confused

BTW, how was the play? What play did the school perform?

It was okay. It was the Pajama Game, and despite the fact that the dudes (including myself Razz ) couldn't sing a lick, it went pretty well. I can't wait until next year, though, where there'll be no singing and it's drama full-time... Very Happy

And nice poem, Noddy. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 08:13 pm
Rex...its alyssa. yes i think it was dumb of me not to tell you when you comfronted everyone but you seemed alittle steamed about the issue so i wanted to see what i did wronge. i hope that you consider me as a somewhat of a friend. after all i did move your desk alot. lol. no but this is who i am for all to see me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 08:46 pm
Cburgit-I am sorry but I nor any of us know who you are right now. I know that there will be no confronting because some of these people don't want to talk with us...we will only confront those who WANT to talk things out. We (as in us girls) need to just stop with all this and move on.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2005 09:14 pm
Girls, you aren't going to know who anyone really is, including yourselves for several more years. And guess what. About the time you know yourself, you'll change, just as everyone else will continue to grow into new understandings. This is really pretty petty stuff, IMO.

Ya can't beat people with a God stick and expect them to thank you for it.

Here's an idea.... Let go, and let God. If you listen, He'll help you know how he wants you to reach others.

Rex - Not familiar with the Pajama Game, but glad to hear you partook in the activity. It's a great way to expand the high school experience. For many it's the only time they'll be on stage, so my hat is off to you.
0 Replies

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