Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2005 08:49 pm
cburg2006 wrote:
this is too gossip....gossip is defined as rumor or talk of a personal, sensational or intimate nature...i think all this crap is def. just dont realize it...
this isn't's fact..nothing was made up nor was it altered. The facts were stated and that's it. Who are you anyways?
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thunder runner32
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 07:20 am
My only problem is that they just make Christianity look too cute. Like trying to overemphasize the fact that you can be a Christian and still have fun, giggle giggle.
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 11:33 am
HAHAHAHAHAHA to all(excluding thunder)-You all need to realize that these sensless attacks on one another are pointless. WHO CARES WHAT YOU BELIEVE!!! Sure christianity teaches us to preach the word, but making yourself better than everyone else b/c they don't believe isn't right. And to say that what they believe in is a "plague" going through our school is ridiculous. You all must realize that yes it is gossip. You have just taken your identity and tried to conceal it with a sign-in name. No matter what you say on here, people will find out who you are. The whole purpose of these forums are to discuss or debate, not attack each other. You topic really doesn't serve a purpose based on this section of the website. So GROW UP ALL OF YOU! I wonder to myself how you all will live your lives once you get into the "real world?" You prolly won't make it far if you take minor things like this and blow them out of proportion.
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 11:43 am
There's battle lines being drawn
And nobody's right if everybody's wrong

To the members of the "God Squad":

I'm going to lay it out for you, plain and simple. You're not doing God's work the way you're acting.

I'm a Christian, and I attend Centerburg High School. Many of you know who I am. I've believed in God all of my life, and I've been attending the church many of you attend for years before many of you attended.

Yet you walk through the hallways as if you are the Chosen People. You, a people who have sinned and claim that you acknowledge it, walk around and try to fit the world into what you think it should be.


Take it from me, on the other side of the social tracks. Many of the truths we hold to be self-evident are determined by our point-of-view-- and what you are doing, by parading around in your little groups and trying to mold the world into what you think it should be, is trampeling on others' points of view.

You even trample on those who have similar points of view, but don't appreciate how you're acting. Take me, for example: I have never let alcohol touch my lips, I have never been in trouble with the law, I have yet to have sex, I do well in school. I have studied the Bible very extensively, looking into specific books very deeply.

Yet you-- many of you who cannot make the same claims I can-- judge me. You attempt to council me.

Don't you understand? Christianity is personal-- it's a belief. You want to know the only flaws in it? The fact that there are those who attempt to profit from it, who attempt to make it into an organization to gain from. Look at the Crusades-- look all throughout history.

You're not keeping it personal. You're flaunting it. You're wearing it like the latest fashion. You're commercializing it. You are like the Pharisees-- do you know what Jesus said about them? Have you ever even heard of the Pharisees, which are mentioned frequently in the book you seem to know so much about?

If you have cursed all of your life, and suddenly you become a Christian and stop cursing, that's great. But don't tell others to stop just because you did. That's hypocritical-- why should they listen to you, when you have cursed all your life? Rather, don't mention it. Let themselves see the change in you for the better. And in time, they will ask you "Hey, why'd you stop cursing? And how come you seem to be happier all of the sudden?" THAT[/i][/u] is the time that you share your faith with him.

At the moment, you are hypocrits. You claim to hold dearly to a doctrine yet break it ing telling others to follow it. Yet, what you don't realize is, people don't look at your claims, they look at your actions which back them up.

Pick up a Bible and read it instead of going to the mall with your friends and talking about how people aren't accepting you in your high school. You'll probably learn something-- in fact, you'll probably learn something that will help people accept you in your high school.

To others at CHS:

Don't judge Christianity on the basis of a few. In fact, don't judge Christianity on the basis of many.

How about just not judging? Wink

Here's the thing-- if you are going to catagorize all of those who are "Christians" into a group you label "hypocrits", then you are in turn being hypocrits yourself.

Like I said before-- there's battle lines being drawn. And nobody's right, if everybody's wrong.

The "right" is in being open-minded in practice. To realize that these people have their own beliefs, and while they may be wrong trying to push it on you, you are equally wrong pushing back. Instead, let them push you, so that they may see their own wrong. And if they don't see their own wrong, at least you can rejoice within yourself knowing that you are right.

Know, at least, that I believe in God. And that I am not against you. Many of you are my friends. Do not let the actions of others destroy that.

There is no normal life, guys. There's just life. Now get on with it.
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 11:52 am
WELL PUT REX!!!!!! I applaud your GETTTING TO THE POINT. I am not as smart as you, but I can say that both we don't like to "beat around the bush."
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 11:57 am
WELL PUT REX!!!!!! I applaud your GETTTING TO THE POINT. I am not as smart as you, but I can say that both we don't like to "beat around the bush."

Intelligence is not nearly as valuable as wisdom. And as long as you get the point as I do, then we're both on the same level.
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Curt Ranger 41
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 11:59 am
These people on the "Godsquad" are my friends. I don't agree with how they tend to cram religon down people's throat and sometimes it does seem as if they consider themselves holier than others, weather they do that on purpose or not is another story. And they have given christians a bad name, I try to be a devout christian but like all people I fail. I belive firmly that people judge you more by your actions than what you say. I will listen to other opinions, wheather I agree or not is different.
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 12:00 pm
Ok REX, you are right again. Here is a Star Wars quote: "I would think that you jedi would know the difference between knowledge and WISDOM."
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 12:08 pm
I don't agree with how they tend to cram religon down people's throat and sometimes it does seem as if they consider themselves holier than others, weather they do that on purpose or not is another story.

Whether or not they do it on purpose or not is another story. They're doing it, and they're getting a very negative response-- either they see the error of their ways or continue to be blinded by their own veiws of righteousness, it's as simple as that.

And they have given christians a bad name, I try to be a devout christian but like all people I fail. I belive firmly that people judge you more by your actions than what you say. I will listen to other opinions, wheather I agree or not is different.

That's the thing-- you don't have have to agree with somone else's opinion, so long as you let them express it and respect them for it. Not lashing out at them for it, or putting them down for it, or stereotyping them for it, etc.
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 12:50 pm
I think the male group that is concerned with this topic are in agree that the way this group "works" is wrong.
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 02:19 pm
The only reason why we use usernames that do not reveal our "true" identity is because for the next year and a half, all of you would get the whole entire school to hate us.
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 02:27 pm
The only reason why we use usernames that do not reveal our "true" identity is because for the next year and a half, all of you would get the whole entire school to hate us.

Oh, so you're willing to take a stand for something but don't have the guts to face whatever may come at you because of it?

I can honor you for that. Oh, wait, no I can't.

I don't care if you "reveal" yourself or not, but don't come up with lame excuses that make you out to be a coward.
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nate peck
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 02:28 pm
ok first off, i know the "God squad" as they are called and i love each and everyone of those girls with all my heart, i think they are wonderful people and i highly coubt they act the way some of you claim they do. soo to those girls, i got your backs, if you need anything, you ask and its done.

ok, Rex..we know each other and i would never expect something so immature out of you...i couldnt care less how long youve been a Christian, or how smart you are, or how much youve studied the Bible, all is level at the foot of the Cross, you are no beeter than them and they are no better than you so stop talking down to them like you are some high and mighty person

and whos the person who said their trying to make Christianity look that the best thing you can think of, goodnight.....ive been a Christian for a long time and you can still have fun, ive had much more fun since being a Christian then i did when i wasnt one. i dont think you can overemphasize that fact because the world thinks Christians are up tight and no fun but lets get mad at these girls for trying to prove them wrong....good thinking

These girls try their best to live the way they should, why would you all beat them down constantly? if your not happy with yourself thats too bad but dont bring others down with you for expressing their beliefs. most of you cant understand what its like to have Jesus in your heart, you cant keep it in or not tell others no matter how much you try, it shows in the way you are. so the next time you want to put these girls down for what they believe, accomplishes nothing. we Christians have the greatest encourager behind us, God. not matter how much you beat them down and break them down God will ALWAYS build them right back up.

and one last this sam dude, please player go get your head check, your weirding me out and ive never even met or seen you
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nate peck
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 02:32 pm
ok Rex i respect what you just said and to antigodsquad....your a shmuck, get some guts then say something, quit hiding behind your id...
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 02:44 pm
ok first off, i know the "God squad" as they are called and i love each and everyone of those girls with all my heart, i think they are wonderful people and i highly coubt they act the way some of you claim they do.

Come over here and see it for yourself, Peck. I can tell you firsthand that it's pretty bad, and my opinion is based on observation rather than supposition.

we know each other and i would never expect something so immature out of you

Immature? Open your mind. You call it immaturity; I call it truth. Of course, many of the truths we believe to be self-evident are determined by our point-of-view. So maybe you need to take a look at it from the other side, in another light.

I would say immaturity would be taking something at face value without exploring it for what it's worth.

couldnt care less how long youve been a Christian, or how smart you are, or how much youve studied the Bible, all is level at the foot of the Cross, you are no beeter than them and they are no better than you so stop talking down to them like you are some high and mighty person

Exactly! You see, you get my entire point. It doesn't matter what I've done, it matters who I am. And I'm tired of the "God Squad" acting all high and mighty toward me, when we're all equal. Acting all high and mighty towards my friends, when we're all equal.

and whos the person who said their trying to make Christianity look that the best thing you can think of, goodnight

Was he trying to make an insult? Or trying to make a point? Don't be so quick to judge.

ive been a Christian for a long time and you can still have fun, ive had much more fun since being a Christian then i did when i wasnt one. i dont think you can overemphasize that fact because the world thinks Christians are up tight and no fun but lets get mad at these girls for trying to prove them wrong

You make a good point-- becoming a Christian definitely doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. Indeed, I've made some great friends and had some of the best times-- most all of the best times-- of my life as a Christian and with other Christians.

The point thunder_runner was attempting to make was that it's becoming a "fad", if you will-- something "cute", something "popular", something that the "in-crowd" does. Problem is, they're exluding the "out-crowd", and pushing them farther away rather than bringing them in.

These girls try their best to live the way they should, why would you all beat them down constantly?

I beat no one down. I call 'em like I see 'em, and if you noticed in my first post here, I am on no one's "side". Both sides are right in certain areas, and both sides are wrong in certain areas.

if your not happy with yourself thats too bad but dont bring others down with you for expressing their beliefs

Point taken. The summarized message I was attempting to convey to those rebelling against the "God Squad".

we Christians have the greatest encourager behind us, God. not matter how much you beat them down and break them down God will ALWAYS build them right back up.

Agreed. But does God encourage activity counterproductive to his work?

and one last this sam dude, please player go get your head check, your weirding me out and ive never even met or seen you

Sam is fine nowadays, he's simmered down with his meds and he's really mellow. Before that he was simply questioning things, his mind going a mile a minute-- but he's calmed down now, and slowly finding himself. Whoever he is anymore.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 02:44 pm
I"m not hiding behind my id at all. i told all of you my initials. the reason i won't come out and just say my name is because i'm friends with people that are on here and i don't want to ruin our relationships just because i don't agree with some others. and to whoever nate_peck is, i could care less what you think, you don't go to school with us and see the things i do and see the effects of thier actions on people.
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nate peck
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 03:20 pm
aight Bryce we both got our points and true im not there so i cant see what really happens but do this for me, be there for those girls and if they do something thats not right, tell them in a non-hostile way, be a consoler not a persecutor, just be nice about how you tell them...but i love ya bro, stay strong

and to antigodsquad...if what your saying would mess up relationships with your friends...maybe you shouldnt say them? and true i dont go to your school but i know those girls a LOT better than you do, and even if i didnt they are my sisters in the Lord and i will back them up in all things they do for God
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 04:11 pm
Apology and explanation
This is between just a few people and has gotten totally out of hand. As someone on the defense this is hard for me. All of us girls are sorry if they made people feel like they were inferior or wrong about their beliefs. We never had that intention. We each have similar beliefs and have a great deal of trust in each other and we feel comfortable talking about it among us. This is why it may look to others like we keep out people. If anyone EVER needs or wants to talk with any of us we will always be willing. I know you may think that we will get defensive because of the incident 1st period but that is not the case. He jumped them so naturally they jumped back. It didn't begin that morning, it began on the internet days before. So that is the reason it looked like they were getting defensive without a reason...they had one but they could have definitely handled it better.
If anyone would like to join us girls upstairs for lunch you are more then welcome. We have a great time. We eat, discuss homework and teachers, weekend plans, boys (yes as christians we can still talk about boys), and problems. We are very careful not to say things about other friends, or other people. It doesn't help! We do however discuss problems weighing on our hearts. To those of you who were on our hearts we are VERY sorry that you took this as an attack. We love you and we hope that one day you can forgive the wrongs we have committed against you. So, since the people say all we do is talk about people at lunch that is extremely untrue and far far from the truth. Besides you wouldn't haven't been there with us.
I am confused about where people have said we shove the Bible down people's throats. I have NEVER seen any of us push our believes on someone. If you have an example of a situation please talk with any one of us and we will right the wrong. We DO NOT want to push people from God. He has been unbelievably wonderful to us. I am very sorry to those who think we wear this as a "fad" or the "latest fashion" because even when this goes "out of style" Jesus will be with us and in our hearts forever. This is not something that is popular because as you can see it is not.
This whole thing has involved people unfairly because it makes them choose sides. No one should have to choose between their friends. We all know who each other is on here and we all need to think about what we say. Are the things we say on here things we would say to people's faces? And if they are why aren't you saying it to them and trying to correct the problem instead of making it worse.
If anyone ever wants to talk to one of us please do. We aren't angry and we want to know how people got these views of us. If there is a problem talk to our faces because then you will see the real us...the truth. We love you all no matter what. Please lets try to live out the rest of our high school with fun times and not hatred toward each other. Let's correct this problem!
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 04:26 pm
umm peck, i am not going to judge you in anyway but i am willing to put my life on the line to say antigodsquad knows them MUCH better than you. you should prolly take my word on it. And i also attend this school, i see what happens, i am friends with people on both sides. I feel the same way rex does(yea i know who he is but for his sake on here i will use his other name). Also, don't ever speak of sam and his mental stability. That is a touchy subject that can actually erupt this whole thing into much larger scale.
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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 04:41 pm
the heart of the matter...
I know, I'm new to this. But reading through this forum has honestly made me frustrated from every angle. Those of you who seem to be accusing this so-called GodSquad and then claiming to be a practicing Christian yourself seems to me to be a contradiction in terms. I understand that you may not agree with how these ladies go about their Christianity. However, if you are truly seeking the will of God, you are going to tell them this in love and in privacy. Exploiting your Christian sisters publicly and also persecuting them because of what they say they believe is wrong. You are wrong. And if you are a real Christian, isn't your main goal to get more people to heaven with you? Well, writing the things you are writing in this forum is doing the exact opposite. You are getting more people more angry with Christianity.

All I have left to say is Thank God that He isn't like us. It breaks my heart to see a Savior who is being drastically misrepresented. Christians are sinners too, but that doesn't justify the things we do. I don't know some of these girls very well, but what I see is a group of girls who really are trying to glorify God. They are acting out of love. And if you disagree, then go talk to them about it. This isn't the way to do it.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God." 1 Cor. 1:18

"I appeal to you in the name of Jesus Christ that all of you may agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." 1 cor. 1:10

How is the world going to see the beauty of Jesus if Christians are all fighting with each other?
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