Quote:When I first read this, I saw you as a teen-aged Frank Apisa(regular members will get the reference). You seemed highly intelligent and your often witty barbs made me grin.
Why thank you.
Quote:I saw you frequently say that you weren't "judging [the girls]" only to call them hypocrites in the next sentence. I saw you present yourself as a mid-ground combatant...but you never even looked at those who also railed on the girls.
Like thunder_runner32 clarified, I called them hypocrites based on observation and not on judging their hearts. Indeed, it would be
I who would be the severely wrong if I was claiming to know what is in their hearts. However, like I've said before, I call 'em like I see 'em. No beating around the bush over here.
It is also ironic, actually, that you mention the whole "never even looked at those who also railed on the girls." In fact, my first post was aimed toward both groups-- everything else was response to others' own posts in the discussion, and most of them happened to be a part of, or supporting this "God Squad". Indeed it looks as if I'm, through many pages of this thread, just referring to the "God Squad" as those who are wrong, but I do not intend to convey that idea-- heck, I've responded to recent atheistic remarks.
It's ironic, however, because just today there was a great religious-philosophical debate through most of the day I was at school. And it wasn't with any "God Squad" members, but actually the other side. It is a pity that you could not have witnessed it, because it was quite heated and quite informative.
Quote:In my opinion, you have both realistic and unrealistic expectations of these girls. You can expect them to stop assaulting you with their faith(and should, too), but you cannot expect them not to laugh to themselves at day-to-day events.
It's not that they "laugh to themselves at day-to-day events"-- I myself enjoy a good laugh, and if I may say so I'm quite a joker. It's when they trivialize their faith by pretending the world is perfect, that everything can be colorful and fluffy and..."like, yeah!" It's part of what turns people away. It's turning people away at the moment.
Quote:You strike me as an extremely intelligent individual, but intellect isn't everything.
Exactly. Like I've said before, intelligence isn't nearly as valuable as wisdom. And wisdom doesn't come a dime a dozen, I'm afraid.
Quote:One day, I think you'll be one of the finest members of this forum(if you decide to stick around after this, that is), and I hope I see you here often.
Again, I must thank you for your kind comments.

I don't perhaps frequent this forum as often as I'd like, but I enjoy the time I spend here nontheless. Rest assured that you'll see me around in the future, even after this debacle ends (if it ever does, I'm afraid...).