thunder runner32
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 10:50 am
Yeah, and if you choose to live your life for Jesus, you will do all the things mentioned.
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the sleeper
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 10:56 am
but why live one's life devoted to one man, why not live life devoted to your self and family, not just jesus of just god. why? it makes no sense to me. Try diesm, it's better, you can live your life knowing there's a god, but not devoting your every breathing moment to him.
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thunder runner32
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 10:59 am
You can still devote yourself entirely to god, and others, in fact he commands us to love him and our neighbors. I live as a Christian, yet I still have devotion to my friends and family.
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2005 03:19 pm
Rex the Wonder Squirrel, puzzled by certain recent postin's, wrote:
Did you guys read what I wrote?

Don't let that come as a shock. Welcome to the internet.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 09:03 pm
the sleeper wrote:
but why live one's life devoted to one man, why not live life devoted to your self and family, not just jesus of just god. why?

Because he made you and has complete control over how you spend eternity. Deism is dumb; why would God create such an ornate universe and then just leave it alone to possibly destroy itself? If you have kids will you protect them? If you say yes to that but think that God won't do the same with us, then you're saying that you are a holier being than God.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 01:22 pm
Wow. I've just spent the last hour of my life reading every single page of this drama, and I have many things to say.

When I first started reading this, I went into it biased. (Bad idea). I was so sure that, since people accused these girls of accosting strangers, then they were right, and the girls were wrong. As I read on, however, I saw many tries to mend fences from people(both sides), only to be shat upon by the other side.

Girls: I don't go to your school, and as such I can't verify their descriptions of your behavior. I can say this based on my experiences, though: When and if you try to share your faith with cannot do it from a biased point of view. Sharing your POV means being open to another's, not telling them about the wonders of Jesus and expecting them to rush and be saved.

When you bring up religion, the implication is that you are judging them, even if you aren't. (Again, I don't know if that's what you were doing, I'm just guessing.) A good way to talk about religion is to go back to fundamentals: have a friendly debate about how you can prove God exists. Have another side do the opposite. It's important, and, in fact, vital, to question your faith. The best theists are always the ones who have come from a background of atheism or agnosticism.

I sense that you truly are very nice girls, just unsure of how to relate to others. I hope I helped.

Rex: When I first read this, I saw you as a teen-aged Frank Apisa(regular members will get the reference). You seemed highly intelligent and your often witty barbs made me grin. As I read on, however, I saw that you lacked something that Frank has: the ability to recognize your own position, which, in debate, is the most important and fundamental thing you have.

I saw you frequently say that you weren't "judging [the girls]" only to call them hypocrites in the next sentence. I saw you present yourself as a mid-ground combatant...but you never even looked at those who also railed on the girls.

In my opinion, you have both realistic and unrealistic expectations of these girls. You can expect them to stop assaulting you with their faith(and should, too), but you cannot expect them not to laugh to themselves at day-to-day events. They're young, for pity's sake, and so are you. Your God(if he exists - whole other issue :wink:) does not hate those who love themselves(and if he does, I wouldn't worship him in your shoes); rather he hates those who cannot see others' lives from their views, and bring them to the "right" path.

You strike me as an extremely intelligent individual, but intellect isn't everything. One day, I think you'll be one of the finest members of this forum(if you decide to stick around after this, that is), and I hope I see you here often.

To All: High School, as I well remember, is a place of passions and identity strains. One the one hand, I'm pleased that high-schoolers had the presence of mind to discuss this amongst themselves with such alacrity. On the other hand, though, I'm disappointed that none of you seemed to recognize the point at which you should have stopped talking about this in cyberspace, and started talking about it in the real world.

I sincerely hope this issue eventually resolved itself, and I hope this didn't ruin your junior years. I look forward to hearing from you all again.
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 01:27 pm
I think that (like most high school dramas) this sort of trickled off in order for another drama to start. Very Happy
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 01:39 pm
Taliesin181 wrote:
Wow. I've just spent the last hour of my life reading every single page of this drama, and I have many things to say.

....One the one hand, I'm pleased that high-schoolers had the presence of mind to discuss this amongst themselves with such alacrity. On the other hand, though, I'm disappointed that none of you seemed to recognize the point at which you should have stopped talking about this in cyberspace, and started talking about it in the real world.

I sincerely hope this issue eventually resolved itself, and I hope this didn't ruin your junior years. I look forward to hearing from you all again.

I had read some of this thread also. I was astonished that the students were using a major (even international) website to discuss intramural matters concerning their school. Were they looking for advice from A2K members?
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 01:43 pm
I think they just wanted to talk about it anonymously, and one of the students who were already members recommended this site. I have no problems with that; only with their persistent refusal to solve things in the real world. Until much later, anyway.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 12:59 am
Inner peace wrote
actually there is only 1 un-forigvable sin = blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT

For those of you who don't know this is religious jargon for not listening to the Holy Spirit (Spirit within you) and accepting Jesus Christ as the redemption for your soul. The wages of sin is death. Jesus intercepted that paycheck and died for us IF we accept His salvation. With Jesus the bill is stamped Paid in Full.
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thunder runner32
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 06:08 am
Actually, I was probably the first person from Centerburg on here, then some of my friends got on, then someone else saw us on here, and for some reason started a thread about the whole ordeal. Then a buncha people (with no creativity:cburg06, centerburg06, etc. Wink ) jumped on to put in their two cents.

I saw you frequently say that you weren't "judging [the girls]" only to call them hypocrites in the next sentence.

when he said he wasn't judging them, I think he was trying to say that he wasn't judging what was in their hearts, only their actions, which is fine. I know him personally, and all any of us ever wanted to do, was give them advice on the image they portray as least that's all I wanted to do.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 08:46 am
Thunder: Ah. Thanks for clearing that up. Would you mind telling me the specifics of this? All I've heard are vague allusions to "that thing in 1st period" and to various bible-thumping endeavors. What's the whole story?

The main point of my post was to try and reach a middle ground where both groups could admit to wrong-doing and move on. If it conveyed a sense of finger-wagging, then I apologize. I know how easy it is to let yourself go hog-wild in HS...all too well... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 12:07 pm
Taliesin181 wrote:
... The main point of my post was to try and reach a middle ground where both groups could admit to wrong-doing and move on ...

If anybody ever manages that, there's gonna come about a need for air-traffic-control measures dedicated to pigs Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 12:54 pm
I don't know; I think they(some of them) genuinely want to make this better. It does seem a bit unlikely, though...

Pretty damn funny, though. Laughing
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thunder runner32
Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 05:58 am
Everything is pretty cooled down now, if people haven't apologized yet, they pretty much ignore each other.

What's the whole story?

O.K, but you'll have to gimme some time, it's gonna take awhile.
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 09:30 am
When I first read this, I saw you as a teen-aged Frank Apisa(regular members will get the reference). You seemed highly intelligent and your often witty barbs made me grin.

Why thank you. Smile

I saw you frequently say that you weren't "judging [the girls]" only to call them hypocrites in the next sentence. I saw you present yourself as a mid-ground combatant...but you never even looked at those who also railed on the girls.

Like thunder_runner32 clarified, I called them hypocrites based on observation and not on judging their hearts. Indeed, it would be I who would be the severely wrong if I was claiming to know what is in their hearts. However, like I've said before, I call 'em like I see 'em. No beating around the bush over here.

It is also ironic, actually, that you mention the whole "never even looked at those who also railed on the girls." In fact, my first post was aimed toward both groups-- everything else was response to others' own posts in the discussion, and most of them happened to be a part of, or supporting this "God Squad". Indeed it looks as if I'm, through many pages of this thread, just referring to the "God Squad" as those who are wrong, but I do not intend to convey that idea-- heck, I've responded to recent atheistic remarks.

It's ironic, however, because just today there was a great religious-philosophical debate through most of the day I was at school. And it wasn't with any "God Squad" members, but actually the other side. It is a pity that you could not have witnessed it, because it was quite heated and quite informative.

In my opinion, you have both realistic and unrealistic expectations of these girls. You can expect them to stop assaulting you with their faith(and should, too), but you cannot expect them not to laugh to themselves at day-to-day events.

It's not that they "laugh to themselves at day-to-day events"-- I myself enjoy a good laugh, and if I may say so I'm quite a joker. It's when they trivialize their faith by pretending the world is perfect, that everything can be colorful and fluffy and..."like, yeah!" It's part of what turns people away. It's turning people away at the moment.

You strike me as an extremely intelligent individual, but intellect isn't everything.

Exactly. Like I've said before, intelligence isn't nearly as valuable as wisdom. And wisdom doesn't come a dime a dozen, I'm afraid.

One day, I think you'll be one of the finest members of this forum(if you decide to stick around after this, that is), and I hope I see you here often.

Again, I must thank you for your kind comments. Smile I don't perhaps frequent this forum as often as I'd like, but I enjoy the time I spend here nontheless. Rest assured that you'll see me around in the future, even after this debacle ends (if it ever does, I'm afraid...).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 11:34 am
Rex: After reviewing the posts again, I see that you're right. While overall you focused on the girls' transgressions, there were also some comments directed to the other side in your first few posts.

However, I still see a focus on the girls. While you might be more impartial than most, I see that "middle ground" leaning against the girls' perspective. That's okay, though. You can find one group more "guilty" than the other; my concern is with your portrayal of yourself as completely impartial.

For myself, I tend to see what the girls allegedly did as being more wrong, but I think it would be more beneficial to "guide them to righteousness" than to blast them away, which, if I am reading the subtext of your post correctly, you guys have been taking steps in that direction.

Would you mind telling those of us who don't go to Centerburg the details of this situation? I asked Thunder, but he seems to be otherwise engaged.

It's not that they "laugh to themselves at day-to-day events"-- I myself enjoy a good laugh, and if I may say so I'm quite a joker. It's when they trivialize their faith by pretending the world is perfect, that everything can be colorful and fluffy and..."like, yeah!" It's part of what turns people away. It's turning people away at the moment.

Could you elaborate on this? I am trying to decide if they're being ditzy or if they're just trying to "brighten up" the world. If you haven't seen "What the [bleep] do we know?", I highly recommend it: it has some extremely interesting information about how thoughts and attitudes shape reality, which might be what these girls are trying to do.
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 08:01 pm
Hey, Rex ... not that it matters a bunch, but a tip of the timber hat your way - seems to me you're on the right track.
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 09:00 pm
OK, from what I understand, here is what happened. There's this kid at school that's been going through kind of a weird time lately, questioning the christianity he grew up with and now trying to disprove it. He and "the girls" start talking on the internet one night and he says something like thanks for showing him why religion is wrong. Then the next day(this is "first period") in anatomy class, he comes in and half sets half slams a set of papers on the desk/table the girls are sitting at. It is the writings of an athiest who is asking questions and making comments to try to prove christians wrong. Our anatomy teacher(a very wise person, in my and most other people's views) starts reading it while half trying to keep the guy from yelling his head off, and says it's very misleading. Then starts a period-long shouting match between the girls and the guy with our teacher trying to act as moderator. The guy apparently hadn't slept all night after thinking about what was said on the internet. He was very buzzed. I sat right next to him; he wouldn't shut up, basically. So anyway, there's a lot of emotion from both sides, and the guy has all these questions that he keeps saying he wants answers for. They are very philosophical questions, ones that would rouse a lot of debate(Basically, things like if there's a God, then why is there so much suffering).These girls are relatively new Christians and aren't able to answer any questions that he actually did aske them in between his rants. So that is "first period."

Now, this apparently encouraged about ten people to come out of the woodwork and post their gripes against the girls, saying they force their views down people's throats. Myself and a few others have pleaded with them to talk to them about it, as hiding behind a screen name to do it is very cowardly, in my opinion. They are very willing to do this, but no one that is against the girls seems to want to. All those involved either used to be friends or are friends now. None of this is between life-long enemies. So then we had spring break and the stuff on here died out and pretty much people haven't talked about it as much. This is very dangerous, as nothing has been resolved, and both parties seem to just be ignoring the conflict at this point. This won't work for very long, as we are classmates and see each other almost daily.

I think that is all. Anybody from the Burg that reads this and disagrees, please tell me why here, or better yet, in person. Again, my mom may have been your English teacher last year and my dad may be your photography teacher this year. That is who I am.
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 06:19 am
Thanks lefty, I'm lazy. Smile
0 Replies

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