Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 08:23 pm
ACtually I agree with Rex 100%. I never really agreed with him/her til this subject.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 08:27 pm
I do see one comment on this thread with which I am in unqualified agreement:

vol_fan06 wrote:
... This is ridiculous ...

Sure gotta peel through a buncha wrappin' to get to that gem, though.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 08:36 pm
Alright everyone from the 'Burg,
Next Thursday morning at FCA, Rex and I will be giving the devotional...something good and wonderful is going to come out of this. So far the idea we have is on Unity with a little tied into Prayer. If anyone has input please tell one of us. This all will make us stronger Christians because I know it has me. I have learned a lot. Everyone, as always, is welcome please come because I know it will be very good. Pray for us as we prepare it please.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:5-7

Antigodsquad (JM and/or JT),
I am very sorry for causing you pain, please tell me what I can do to correct what ever it is. I am extremely sorry that your feelings have been hurt. If I or any of my follow "God Squad" members
have made you uncomfortable or feel inferior I need to know more so it will be corrected. Honestly, I don't know what the real reason is but I really really want to know...becoming a better person and Christian is the #1 priority in my life. So, I am very sorry and I hope you can except this apology for the wrongs I must have committed toward you. Also, I want you to know that you are always welcome at FCA and youth groups. KM

P.S. At school tomorrow I would really like to talk about this.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2005 09:23 pm
For some reason, KJV Luke 18:9-14 keeps runnin' through my head as I try to follow along here.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 07:41 am
Is this is a parochial school? I thought it was public. Which is it?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 07:47 am
From what I gather, this particular tempest is goin' on in a public teapot.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 07:56 am
Rex, on page 3, wrote:
To the members of the "God Squad":

I'm going to lay it out for you, plain and simple. You're not doing God's work the way you're acting.

If that's not taking sides, then I'd like to see an example.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 09:55 am
Bella Dea wrote:
Is this is a parochial school? I thought it was public. Which is it?

It's a public high school.

lefty06 wrote:
If that's not taking sides, then I'd like to see an example.

He's not taking sides. He's just pointing out a fact.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 12:40 pm
than what's the problem? I have a crazy idea....IGNORE THEM.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 09:11 pm
Peck...the whole thing with sam is just wrong of you to say. i dont know you but i know of you, i know you work at kroger i know you dated chelsea, i know you were going to come to our prom. personally im not really on a side and i have been accused of joining this so called "God Sqaud" i do believe in god and i am a christian, i do tell others my story but at church, i dont really feel comfortable telling it to others yet im not that far into my realationship with HIM. The girls here at CHS are doing some messed up stuff, but in my eyes they are at least trying to do it for the cause of god. i know that now that i have said that some people are going to disagree and people that know who i am will question me but i am prepared to answer questions. i am like REX i dont really have a side but when it comes down to it the final judgement is that of Gods so why sould any of us argue? i dont really think that people will change their minds on this subject. i have an open mind to both sides. i dont really like to discuss this but if i must then i will. im not one to purposely make someone dislike me, i dont like it when people hate me or whatever. thats just me though. I agree with both sides on certain things sorrry if that affends anyone...
0 Replies
nate peck
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2005 09:26 pm
cburg06....nah you got it all wrong, i dont work out krogers and i never dated Chels, thats a different Nate but no harm done...and i understand the whole not taking sides thing but those girls are my friends, i will almost always side with them if someone is being negitive towards them and im not saying you were, just a general statement ya know...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2005 07:12 am
A man is struck by a bus on a busy street. He is lying near death on the sidewalk as a crowd of spectators gathers around.

"A preacher. Somebody get me a preacher!" the man gasps.

A policeman checks the crowd and yells, "A PREACHER, PLEASE!"

Out of the crowd steps a little old Jewish man of at least 80 years of age.

"Mr. Policeman," says the man, "I'm not a preacher. I'm not even a Christian. But for 50 years now I'm living behind the Catholic church on First Avenue, and every night I'm overhearing their services. I can recall a lot of it, and maybe I can be of some comfort to this man."

The policeman agrees, and clears the crowd so the man can get through to where the injured man is. He kneels, leans over the prostrate man and intones in a solemn voice: "B-7.I-19. N-38. G-54. O-72. . . ."
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2005 02:37 pm
vol_fan06 wrote:
Rex you need to stop. to be honest you are making yourself look very immature.

In your eyes maybe. But in the eyes of those who see the bigger picture, I'm making a lot more sense than you are.

vol_fan06 wrote:
I know you are perfect and all but you are in NO position what so ever to tag someone a hypocrite.

Never have I claimed that I am perfect. Quite the contrary, I've consistently said that we are all equal in God's eyes.

And to be perfectly honest (no pun intended), I can call anyone I see as a hypocrite out as I please.

vol_fan06 wrote:
You really need to stop.Do you honestly think you are the one sending a good Christian message right now.

I'm calling them like I see them. And what I see is the "God Squad" being hypocritical and counterproductive to God's work.

vol_fan06 wrote:
Get over whatever feelings you have towards them. Stop it.

I will just as soon as you get over whatever feelings you have towards them as well. Wink

Not that easy to "get over your feelings", huh? Especially if you feel you are justified in having such feelings.

El Diablo wrote:
ACtually I agree with Rex 100%. I never really agreed with him/her til this subject.

Well thanks. And while you and I have disagreed on other subjects, it's nice to know we seem to have the same ethical foundation when it comes to this.

lefty06 wrote:
If that's not taking sides, then I'd like to see an example.

That's not taking sides, so that's an example.

Like 00 Agent Kid said, I was just pointing out a fact with that statement. Not bashing them, nor supporting them with it.

cburg2006 wrote:
personally im not really on a side and i have been accused of joining this so called "God Sqaud"

You're not on a side? Welcome to the club. I'm curious, though-- if you haven't taken a side, how in the blazes did you get associated with the "God Squad"?

nate_peck wrote:
and i understand the whole not taking sides thing but those girls are my friends, i will almost always side with them

That logic is laughable. "I'll support them no matter what, even if their entire argument is flawed, and they're being counterproductive to my God's work, and their hypocrisy level is boiling over into the red zone..."

Give me a break.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2005 11:51 pm
Alright...the fact is that none of this internet chit chat is helping...so either everyone get over it or let's all get together and talk about it. I don't wanna spend the last year of my high school career fighting over something that isn't worth fighting over. Too many friendships have been hurt over arguments about religion....Obviously the smart thing to do is not let anyone's preaching get to you because technically we are all doing the same thing to the so called "god squad" day in and day out....we are telling them how to be "better people".....................WELL IF ANY OF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED...........they have done their job as christians.........how many of you have given thought on this topic of GOD and what he really wants from us..or how many have picked up a bible in the last 2 weeks to try to prove them wrong.....EXACTLY.....personally i can admit that i was totally wrong with some of the things i said...not saying i'm best friends with everyone now...but i'm just not goin to prosecute someone for their beliefs.....If you don't want to hear "them" preach or speak of God then i have a solution for you...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DON'T FREAKIN' LISTEN!!!!
well i think i got everything out in the open....ttyl
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 12:14 am
Obviously the smart thing to do is not let anyone's preaching get to you

Actually, the right thing to do would be to not change your principles just to achieve an armistice.

because technically we are all doing the same thing to the so called "god squad" day in and day out....we are telling them how to be "better people"

Correction-- while I'm counciling the "God Squad" on what they can do to solve the problems they've created, I'm not being hypocritical. I say what I mean and I mean what I say-- I contradict myself not, and I do not contradict myself. Whereas the entire debacle with the "God Squad" is that they're saying one thing and doing another-- which means they're...*gasp*...hypocrites.

WELL IF ANY OF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED...they have done their job as christians

Actually, most of the entire issue at hand is that they haven't been doing their jobs as Christians, instead pushing people away from God instead of bringing them in.

how many of you have given thought on this topic of GOD and what he really wants from us

*raises hand* I have, I have! Do I get bonus points?

or how many have picked up a bible in the last 2 weeks to try to prove them wrong

I definitely have. Heck, I used some verses in my responses on here.

So do I get more extra credit for that?

personally i can admit that i was totally wrong with some of the things i said

A very wise act. Now if only everybody could admit that, we could clean up this mess. Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon, methinks.

If you don't want to hear "them" preach or speak of God then i have a solution for you...DON'T FREAKIN' LISTEN!!!!

Easier said than done. And if the "God Squad" would follow that same maxim-- not shoving things down people's throats who don't agree with them-- then a solution could be made. Unfortunately, again, I doubt that will happen anytime soon. I'm afraid a night out for pizza won't solve everything if everyone isn't willing to listen.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:48 am
REX...you dont realize who i am yet...im in the play. we have actually gotten kinda close i think. i think the whol pizza thing is a good idea. we are all sort of friends i think and i think we may be able to work some things out. im in for some pizza
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:15 pm
Rex, I have a few questions that I want you to answer.
You said: Correction-- while I'm counseling the "God Squad" on what they can do to solve the problems they've created, I'm not being hypocritical. I say what I mean and I mean what I say-- I contradict myself not, and I do not contradict myself. Whereas the entire debacle with the "God Squad" is that they're saying one thing and doing another-- which means they're...*gasp*...hypocrites.

-How are you counseling us? You haven't told us what we have done wrong OR what we can do to make it different.

-Also, what is an example of any of us NOW (because I will be the first to admit to a not so great past...but I have changed) say one thing and doing another?

You wrote: A very wise act. Now if only everybody could admit that, we could clean up this mess. Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon, methinks.

-When are you going to admit that you were wrong?...because you have ripped anyone and everyone who has gotten on here to defend us and yet you say you haven't chosen sides...that you are merely counseling us...well you haven't helped in any way...in fact you are making our lives worse and hard to live because we questioning wether we are good people...we know we have flaws and we want to change whatever it is that people are seeing negatively...but NO ONE has told us what that is.

You wrote: Easier said than done. And if the "God Squad" would follow that same maxim-- not shoving things down people's throats who don't agree with them-- then a solution could be made. Unfortunately, again, I doubt that will happen anytime soon. I'm afraid a night out for pizza won't solve everything if everyone isn't willing to listen.

-I really want to see an example of one of us shoving the Bible or anything for that matter down someones throat...aren't you being a hypocrite right now then...you are telling us not to do it...yet you are shoving your opinions down our throat...and if you want to tell us just don't read it...then we say just don't listen to our beliefs then...but when have we pressed our beliefs on someone...ever? No one has given an example of that yet either, is it that we simply are all Christians and eat together and hang out together?...Is it just walking down the hall together?

-Who is not willing to listen here? You seem pretty sure you are 100% right in everything you are saying...we on the other hand are asking and asking and just not receiving answers. Don't bring up "we will just get defensive" because how would you know if you haven't tried? We are very willing to listen as long as you aren't coming at us in anger and with the wrong intentions...if you want to talk out of PURE Christian love then we will MORE then willingly listen and discuss. On the internet is not the place to be "counseling us" because we are just being told we are wrong without any reason...we want to know what God wants...not you. We want to become better people and Christians but we don't know where we are going wrong because all we have heard is the we are wrong and not WHY. We have apologized and we have cried...we have talked and we have listened...we have asked youth pastors, elders, adults, and follow teen Christians. We have been told so many conflicting things by you and follow teen Christians...and we do not know what to do. We DO want to change the negative views on us but how can we do that is we dont' know what we have done wrong?

-The only thing that we know right now is that you and Thunder have said we flaunt Christianity like it is a new fad and we make it too cute...but how? Just because we walk done the hall laughing doesn't make it flaunting Christianity it makes us girls who find things funny (even dumb things)...and how do we make it too cute...are we not aloud to where American Eagle clothes or something...are we not aloud to where make up...are we not aloud to laugh and have "pajama parties"?

-We are being attacked for being a big group of girls who are SO close and have so much fun while being sisters in Christ...we know each other and we all understand that we are not interested in the negative aspects in life(yes, we do know that we can't just ignore them)...we like our group because it is easier to deal with high school pressures and it there isn't as many of those pressures within our groups because we have a common goal and similar beliefs...we may seem tight but we are extremely open to everyone...but no one ever tries to get to know us individually because they ASSUME everyone of us are alike...when in fact we are all different in a lot of ways but we have for some reason been able to come together despite differences and have a very unique friendship.

-Now, I am sorry if you get offended by anything I said...we are just very hurt and very confused...we want to change if there is something we have done or are doing that is wrong but we don't know what the is. Now...this is my last post and the ball is in your court to do what you want with...you can come to me or one of us to talk about this or you can just keep posting on here getting nowhere...if you truly want to help and God's interests are at heart and not your own personal satisfaction I am sure you will choose to come talk with me or one of the others.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:52 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:52 pm
No wonder!

All the god hounds on this forum are from that place. A high school like that would be my own personal torture chamber...

My advice to the ones that these people are constantly bothering:

If they talk to you, act like they don't exist and walk away, always works for me. Very Happy

On the other hand, I wish I were there; it's always fun to watch these people in action. Twisted Evil

Personally I don't care if anyone says I am being prejudiced, if someone talks to me about how good their religion is, or how bad I am, I tell them to piss off.
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:14 pm
cburg2006 wrote:
REX...you dont realize who i am yet...im in the play. we have actually gotten kinda close i think.

You're right, I don't realize who you are, because I can't read minds and you haven't told me.

And if we're "kinda close you think", why don't you tell me who you are?

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
How are you counseling us? You haven't told us what we have done wrong OR what we can do to make it different.

Read my first post, genius. Maybe if you would look at the bigger picture you would change your flawed one-sided views on the world.

Also, what is an example of any of us NOW (because I will be the first to admit to a not so great past...but I have changed) say one thing and doing another?

Saying you're Christians and not acting like it in several ways. Smile

When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

When I'm actually wrong.

because you have ripped anyone and everyone who has gotten on here to defend us and yet you say you haven't chosen sides

I haven't chosen sides. I haven't "ripped" anyone either, unless you view pointing out someone's flaws with the intention of them realizing them and correcting them the same as "ripping them". And along that line, I've "ripped" the people against you as much as I've "ripped" you--because, like I said, nobody's right if everybody's wrong. Thus, I've chosen no side.

...that you are merely counseling us...well you haven't helped in any way...in fact you are making our lives worse and hard to live because we questioning wether we are good people

Life isn't eay. Questioning things isn't easy. But it's those times that make us.

Pain is itself a quintessance. The taskmaster of life. Pain cracks the whip, and everything moves. It can be a slavemaster and break you-- and it can be the power that makes you unbreakable.

What it is depends on who you are.

Choose, and act.

...we know we have flaws and we want to change whatever it is that people are seeing negatively...but NO ONE has told us what that is.

Are you not listening? Stop acting like you're holier than everyone else, quite being hypocritical, and learn to practice humility in your life.

I really want to see an example of one of us shoving the Bible or anything for that matter down someones throat

WHAT IN THE WORLD MORE DO YOU WANT?! Read this whole thread...from 00 Agent Kid's post on page 1 all the way through. If you can't see enough examples laid out there, then I've not the time nor the inclination to carry on this discussion with you.

aren't you being a hypocrite right now then...you are telling us not to do it...yet you are shoving your opinions down our throat

Excuse me?

You see, this is exactly what the other side is talking about. Try to give you advice, and you automatically on the defensive like you're being attacked. Maybe you should listen, evaluate what people say, incorporate the ideas presented.

Who is not willing to listen here? You seem pretty sure you are 100% right in everything you are saying

Well, until you give a logical response to why I am wrong, then I am right. Everything up to this point against my truths has been supposition and petty arguing (which I've been listening to respectfully and responding to instead of ignoring, something many on your side do to my comments, yet I don't complain, now do I?).

Find some real evidence and get back to me, then we can discuss whether I'm right or not.

we on the other hand are asking and asking and just not receiving answers.

Please don't disrespect me like that.

I've responded to nearly EVERY SINGLE WORD angled at me, something that I don't receive in return.

And as for others not giving you answers, maybe it's because you don't give answers when they ask you spiritual questions. Look at that first period debacle-- little answer-giving there on your side.

Don't bring up "we will just get defensive" because how would you know if you haven't tried?

I have, here on these forums, and I've gotten no answer.

If you think it's come to the point where I should have to take time out of my day when I'm not at school to come in and discuss it with you, then fine. How's Monday at lunch sound? Sounds good to me, see you Monday at lunch.

We are very willing to listen as long as you aren't coming at us in anger and with the wrong intentions...if you want to talk out of PURE Christian love then we will MORE then willingly listen and discuss.

Oh, I see. You're willing to be nice on your terms. That's real Christian-like. You think people asked Jesus questions with "PURE Christian love"? Hardly. And yet he answered them with PURE CHRISTIAN LOVE. That's what you're supposed to do as a Christian. Thus, an example of your hypocrisy.

On the internet is not the place to be "counseling us" because we are just being told we are wrong without any reason

Wow, you made no sense there.

First of all, it's possible to post reasoning along with claims on these boards.

Second of all, I have given oodles of reason along with my statements, but obviously no one likes to look at the truth.

And third of all, I'll see you on Monday to say the same things with the same reasonable logic as I have on here.

we want to know what God wants...not you

Then read the Bible.

We want to become better people and Christians but we don't know where we are going wrong because all we have heard is the we are wrong and not WHY.

Read through this thread. Then get back to me. And if you still haven't seen the blatant reasoning I've showed you, then I'm afraid this discussion is over, because you've no ability to carry an intelligent conversation.

We have apologized and we have cried

That's nice. Now transfer your emotions into your actions. You can cry all you want and not change a thing, or you can suck it all up and move on. Your choice.

we have talked and we have listened

You sure have talked, but you only listen on your terms. And when you listen, you don't incorporate, you just start talking again.

we have asked youth pastors, elders, adults, and follow teen Christians.

And how much of what they've told you have you integrated into your lifestyle?

We have been told so many conflicting things by you and follow teen Christians

Choose, and act.

The only thing that we know right now is that you and Thunder have said we flaunt Christianity like it is a new fad and we make it too cute...but how? are we not aloud to where American Eagle clothes or something...are we not aloud to where make up...are we not aloud to laugh and have "pajama parties"?

Look at the real world. Have some compassion. You run around like the world is so happily dappily now that you're darn-diddly-arn Christians, and that everything is so perfect in your nice little circle of friends, but that isn't true.

Now, you may say "what's wrong with prancing around proclaiming I'm a Christian and hanging out with Christian friends and having parties with them and talking with them and yadda yadda", and the answer is that you push people away. You wear your perfect makeup and your nice clothes when there are those who cannot afford such luxuries. You run around spouting how great it is to have such awesome friendships-- yet there are those who are alone in this world, with no family or friends.

The list goes on and on. Basically you're alienating everyone who isn't like YOU, so they don't like YOU. And since you so loudly proclaim that you're Christians, you're making them not like CHRISTIANS, and CHRISTIANITY.

And then there are guys like me and RS, who don't proclaim we're Christians because it says in the Bible not to be like the Pharisees and the Sadducees who did such things. Guys like us who are humble before God and keep our personal relationship with God to our personal selves, tolerating and getting along with most everyone. In fact, the only people who have come out against us are those in the "God Squad"-- maybe that tells you something. That maybe you're wrong. That you are on the offensive contrary to the Christian belief. That you're not doing God's work.

We are being attacked for being a big group of girls who are SO close and have so much fun while being sisters in Christ

Number One-- You're NOT being attacked by me

Number Two-- You're NOT being attacked by others because you're "close sisters", you're being attacked by others for your actions and your hypocrisy.

we know each other and we all understand that we are not interested in the negative aspects in life(yes, we do know that we can't just ignore them)

Ignorance is bliss.

And you want total bliss in your life through ignorance, instead of through seeing life how it is. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that you prance around through the halls with big huge smiles on your faces while people are suffering and hurting around you. Instead, stop with the bullcrap and have some compassion. Comfort and console those in need. Focus on the negative and SOLVE IT instead of ignoring the problem!

we like our group because it is easier to deal with high school pressures and it there isn't as many of those pressures within our groups because we have a common goal and similar beliefs

Exactly-- and that's good, like Jesus and the Disciples. But read the Bible-- Jesus associated with sinners and the poor and those with leprosy, not with those in robes on the street corners praying. You're being like the Disciples in form, but not in action-- forming up in a group but being high and mighty above those who Jesus said will inherit the earth.

but no one ever tries to get to know us individually because they ASSUME everyone of us are alike

They don't assume anything-- they can see by your actions. Most people aren't going to come up to you and ask "Hey, are you all the same?" No, they're going to look at you from afar and judge for themselves. Judging may be wrong, but are you not facilitating it through your actions?

Now, I am sorry if you get offended by anything I said...we are just very hurt and very confused...we want to change if there is something we have done or are doing that is wrong but we don't know what the is. Now...this is my last post and the ball is in your court to do what you want with...you can come to me or one of us to talk about this or you can just keep posting on here getting nowhere...if you truly want to help and God's interests are at heart and not your own personal satisfaction I am sure you will choose to come talk with me or one of the others.

I am not easily offended.

See you Monday.

Wonder Squirrel out.
0 Replies

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