Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 04:49 pm
You kids should not be naming names--even first names--on a public forum.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 04:55 pm
You refer to all this as a fight. if you want a fight get some gloves or guns or something. Like rex said the lines are being drawn but not between christians. see you open up a whole new issue if you only go after other christians that don't follow the same way. Why should you judge us for not believing the way you do? see we all judge. People take this so personally. I stated before, GET OVER IT. Just b/c there are different ways to follow doesnt mean that they are wrong. b/c someone doesnt follow your way doesnt mean it is wrong. it is just simply said that some people give the "wrong" image.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 05:36 pm
All i wanted is to let these girls know how they are touching so many people in negative ways. Yes, they are maybe touching a few, but in doing so they lost a lot, including me.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 07:04 pm
CHS dominated by 2 girls
I am not meaning to make everyone think that i am causing a fight....i just want people to know what is goin on and that it needs to stop!!!! I'm tired of this......i'm tired of dealing with this day in and day out....and it's not like i can just ignore it......losing 1 best friend is enough but almost losing another really hurts me.......they might think that we will be happier and they might think we need help finding what they have found but i don't...i will find it on my own when i wish to.... but i'm glad that they have found religion and they are happy, really i am happy for them.....but we all will go our seperate ways one day and i hate all this confrontation......i'm glad that i've gotten closer to some of my others friends i wouldn't trade them for the world...but how much longer will this go on??? once we leave this crap hole of a town no one will know us and we'll go on living our life..whatever that may be!!! I'm tired of people bagering other ppl about this whole situation...leave it alone.....PLEASE!!!! Confused
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 07:13 pm
it amazes me how many showed up here to discuss this here
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 08:05 pm
This fighting is gettin us nowhere...

As a member of the so-called "God Squad" I first off want to know where we got our name. We are simply a group of girls that eat lunch together, inteded only to pass out candy bars and try to get some school spirit back for the basketball games. It just so happened that everyone who joined us was Christian, but let it be known that anyone was invited, and most defanitly still is. We really don't sit up there with our bibles and preach or discuss other people...we don't even have our bibles at school most of the time. We are just normal teenage girls who sit and talk about normal things. We never sit and talk badly about people...
There have been times when some of your names may have been brought up, simply because you were on our hearts, but let me reassure you that this was never in a negative sense, our goal is not to hurt others. I promise you this.
I would like to know an example or two of a time when any one of you have had the bible shoved down your throat by me, or any of my friends. We may invite others to youth group etc, but in no way do we preach to others at school. We aren't fit to do that. None of us claim to have the authority to do such a thing. And I'm sorry for anytime we have came off as "holier than thou" because I know that we all have humble hearts. Every person at our school has had a time when they have been prideful, it's simply human nature. But we truly do not think that we are better than anyone else because of our religion. We don't pray all day outloud during school, we don't sit and read our bibles, we don't preach...i just don't understand where this negative stereotype is coming from.
And to those christians out there who feel like I am giving you a bad rep as a Christian, why don't you comfront me, as a brother or sister in Christ. Is it really right to sit on here and gossip and persecute your fellow believers? It isn't right for any of us to talk badly about any other, but I just wish that we could help eachother, if you're disturbed by anything any one of us do, have the guts to tell it to our face. If you really care about what others think of your religion, and the reputation it gets, why don't you try to make things better?
I am so distraught today. This has all gone too far. Most of us are juniors, we have a year and a half left together. Is it really worth fighting? I think we could make it so much more enjoyable by simply respecting eachother. I know I've established a respect for those of all beliefs, the time that respect is lost, though, is when it is not returned, and when one decides to go off and talk badly about me. I just really truly wish, from the bottom of my heart, that we could all get along. This isn't going to matter after graduation...why can't we just enjoy the time we have left together?
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vol fan06
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 08:06 pm
I stand behind these girls and my religion 100% and I would help any of them out without hesitation so if you girls have problems or anything you can come to me. I'll do my best to help.

Well I can say after reading all this I agree with nate_peck and irrelevant. And I too (me and my brother) are behind the "Godsquad". They may have their problems about things but they are passionate about their faith and beliefs. We share the same beliefs as them and We support them through thick and thin.

It says in the Bible that if you have a problem with someone in the church take it to them in private.

Do not go gossiping and spreading it all over the internet.

Rex, you ARE supposed to wear Christ.
Also Rex, DO NOT CALL THEM HYPOCRITES. that is not right. People commonly misuse and don't understand what hypocrite means. A hypocrite is someone that preaches one thing and does another, NOT someone that DID something and NOW does differently. And from what you've written is seems like you are trying to place yourself high and mighty by talking up what you haven't done or have done or how long.

I can see faults in both sides. but you know that we all need to grow up and talk about it to each other. Don't come on this forum and spread it all around when you haven't even talked to the person.

And to say that these girls send a wrong message. Well what message do you send? I know most of you on here. You don't send a message that is better. I don't send a message that is better. like nate_peck said we are all on level playing ground.

For the Christians on here that are saying all this junk. where is all the gossip and all the negative things you are saying coming from? Who do you think it is coming from? It obviously isn't coming from God. Like I said earlier if you have a problem with someone in the church talk to them about it.

What do you think the nonbelievers are thinking right now? You think they are thinking, wow what a bunch of loving Christians. NO. They are thinking why should I believe what they say. They are putting each other down. Talking negatively about each other. Yeah there is a lot of love there. What type of message are WE sending when all we do is argue, disagree, and talk negatively about each other?

OKAY, to start off …..anitgodsquad…you say that you know and understand the bible then you should know and understand that God wants us to have a personal private relationship with him but yet at the same time he tells you to fellowship, pray, worship, and all that with other believers and to say that God just wants you to pray alone and doesn't want you to pray in front of or with people is absurd. And Phoenix whoever you are these girls don't get power from anyone but God and they don't derive power from anyone but him. Because the people they are around are fellow Christians and believers and they all have the same passion..

To anyone who says these girls and these people badger everybody and take everything as an attack. I haven't seen one bit of badgering from anyone. IF it has happened it was not and is not constantly happening and these people don't badger anyone. And they do simply invite people to come to youth group, Sunday school, church service. They don't' try to cram anything down anyone's throat. Maybe everyone else is a little close-minded.

I agree with cburgchica when she says that people do stupid stuff but so does everybody else. You see as Christians we should all strive to be the best we can ..(to be christ-like).and when a christian stuggles they repent and they strive to not do that again. Again it is very unfair to call them hypocrites. WE ALL screw up and make mistakes. WE ALL have struggles and hardships and do our best to be the best that we can be with God's help. I'll be the first to say I struggle with things and HAVE struggled with other things but I came back to my senses and realized it was stupid of me to do that and with the help of God and friends I overcame or am getting better with it. I realized that I needed to get rid of the bad things and come back to Christ. So I will state again calling them hypocrites is very unfair.

AnitGodSquad it sounds like you have a problem with religion not with these people. And this pajama party, basketball game stuff is just simply an attack and it's very irrelevant to this whole topic. And that valedvictorian crap you talk about is something you obviously don't know much about it. Post-Secondary had nothing to with valedvictorian or anything. She simply wanted to help her family out by taking money off her college tuition. That is another attack. To say that these girls will try to make your life miserable if you revealed your identity is nonsense. (Yet another attack.)

And honestly thunder_runner what DO you mean that these girls try to make it look to cute. I agree with nate_peck with what he said about it. You can have as much fun as anyone else if you're a Christian that's absurd too.

Nate_peck…. I've never met you but I think we would get along.

Shakenbutnotstirred very nice reply and irrelevant good reply too.

We're Andy and Will and if you have a problem with anything we said please talk to us about it instead of replying on this forum. We will both talk to anyone calmly and discuss whatever you wish. We will not judge and will not attack you. And we are totally behind these people and we think that you should just let them have their own lifestyle and beliefs.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 08:22 pm
Interesting post.
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 08:32 pm
shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
As someone on the defense this is hard for me.

There is no "defense" here. You either take a side or you don't.

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
I know you may think that we will get defensive because of the incident 1st period but that is not the case. He jumped them so naturally they jumped back.

That doesn't make them right. And since they claim to be of a religion that "turns the other cheek", then they could be considered even more wrong.

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
It didn't begin that morning, it began on the internet days before.

I know. I was with him the night he did it; he laid out most of what he was going to say to the girls out to me and some others.

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
So that is the reason it looked like they were getting defensive without a reason...they had one but they could have definitely handled it better.

Exactly. Thus one of their wrongdoings-- yet, with the new exception of you, none of them have come out and admitted it. Instead, they've talked him behind his back, etc.

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
This whole thing has involved people unfairly because it makes them choose sides

I haven't chosen a side yet. Am I not a person?

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
We all know who each other is on here and we all need to think about what we say.

Actually, I have no idea who you are. Smile

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
Are the things we say on here things we would say to people's faces?

Quite frankly, yes. I'm not in the business of talking behind people's backs.

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
And if they are why aren't you saying it to them and trying to correct the problem instead of making it worse.

Fact is, I don't see many of them during the school day. And I don't see really any of them outside of school.

shakenbutnotstirred wrote:
Please lets try to live out the rest of our high school with fun times and not hatred toward each other.

I bear no malice toward anyone. Hatred is not something I feel toward either side.

irrelevant wrote:
But reading through this forum has honestly made me frustrated from every angle.

It's a normal human reaction to feel frustration when one's flaws are pointed out to them. Even more frustrating is trying to focus and correct said flaws-- which is why many fail to do so.

irrelevant wrote:
Those of you who seem to be accusing this so-called GodSquad and then claiming to be a practicing Christian yourself seems to me to be a contradiction in terms. I understand that you may not agree with how these ladies go about their Christianity. However, if you are truly seeking the will of God, you are going to tell them this in love and in privacy.

Have I told them this in hate? I don't believe so. And I'm telling them on a board where you can keep private-- I don't know who you are, to tell the truth-- and without the need to make a scene.

It is not a contradiction in terms. I can still be a Christian and not be like the "God Squad".

irrelevant wrote:
Exploiting your Christian sisters publicly and also persecuting them because of what they say they believe is wrong.

I've persecuted no one for their beliefs. I've counciled people on their actions.

irrelevant wrote:
You are wrong.

Prove it. Otherwise, I have neither the time nor the inclination to listen to your unjustified arguments.

irrelevant wrote:
And if you are a real Christian, isn't your main goal to get more people to heaven with you?

Exactly. Very Happy Kind of hard to do that when there's a "God Squad" being counterproductive and driving people away from Christ at your school... Wink

irrelevant wrote:
Well, writing the things you are writing in this forum is doing the exact opposite. You are getting more people more angry with Christianity.

Am I? Perhaps these people were already angry at Christianity?

I am not inciting a mob here. I'm pointing out things to both sides, from the middle. If you don't like it, go watch some television rather than read this post. Or, better yet, go read the Bible.

irrelevant wrote:
It breaks my heart to see a Savior who is being drastically misrepresented.

So you're in the middle with me, then? Wink

Or you're so far into one side that you don't have the capacity to have an open mind and see exactly what you're saying.

irrelevant wrote:
I don't know some of these girls very well, but what I see is a group of girls who really are trying to glorify God.

Look past facades, open the cover of books.

irrelevant wrote:
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God." 1 Cor. 1:18

"I appeal to you in the name of Jesus Christ that all of you may agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." 1 cor. 1:10

"Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
" Matt. 7:1-5

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
" Matt. 23:14

headofthefield wrote:
Like rex said the lines are being drawn but not between christians.

Thank you for clarifying my point, headofthefield. Smile

vol_fan06 wrote:
Rex, you ARE supposed to wear Christ.

You're supposed to carry him in your heart, not wear him like a shirt, to be flaunted and to be taken on and off as one desires.

vol_fan06 wrote:

Sorry, I call 'em like I see 'em. Smile

vol_fan06 wrote:
People commonly misuse and don't understand what hypocrite means. A hypocrite is someone that preaches one thing and does another, NOT someone that DID something and NOW does differently.

These people claim to be part of a doctrine, but their actions say otherwise. Hypocritical, in other words.

You must have misunderstood my "cursing" analogy with my claim that they were hypocrites.

vol_fan06 wrote:
And from what you've written is seems like you are trying to place yourself high and mighty by talking up what you haven't done or have done or how long.

Read my other comments. Look at the context of that statement. Like I said, everyone in equal. I was making the point that others are trying to tell me what to do when I've never done some of the things they have.

I'm hardly trying to be high and mighty. If you know me, then you know that's the furthest thing from being on my agenda.

vol_fan06 wrote:
I can see faults in both sides. but you know that we all need to grow up and talk about it to each other. Don't come on this forum and spread it all around when you haven't even talked to the person.

Maybe I'll stop by in lunch sometime and discuss it. Otherwise, I'm very limited in other ways of talking about this to those involved.

vol_fan06 wrote:
And to say that these girls send a wrong message. Well what message do you send?

I'm sending the message that both sides are wrong. And I stand by that message even after reading your ramble.

vol_fan06 wrote:
For the Christians on here that are saying all this junk. where is all the gossip and all the negative things you are saying coming from? Who do you think it is coming from? It obviously isn't coming from God.

It's coming from me, from my own first-hand experience and observations and analysis of the situation. My conclusions don't come from God-- if God had intended for us to have all the conclusions, he wouldn't have given us a brain to think with, now would he have?

vol_fan06 wrote:
What do you think the nonbelievers are thinking right now? You think they are thinking, wow what a bunch of loving Christians.

Exactly. Which is why I'm trying to show the "God Squad" how they are pushing those nonbelievers away.

vol_fan06 wrote:
And we are totally behind these people and we think that you should just let them have their own lifestyle and beliefs.

Yet you support a side that doesn't have an open mind about others' lifestyles and beliefs. You say one thing and you do another... Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 08:44 pm
I think we all need to meet together to get some things figured out. Friends are fighting, people are apparently being misrepresented, and I don't think anybody knows the whole situation.

Frankly, I don't know who's in the right and who's in the wrong because all of this is being done secretively. If you can say something to somebody on here, then you should be able to say it to their face. Very little will get resolved by back and forth arguing on a debate forum. We're all friends, or at least have been at some time, so we need to get this figured out. If all of this passion were united under a common cause, we could really make some waves as far as witnessing to our school and area. But this is getting us nowhere.
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nate peck
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 10:35 pm
well to the person who said i dont know those girls...i know them much better than you think so you can stop with all that junk
and not to harp on what others have said but to you who call yourselves Christians then you rip on Christians, grow up, your making us all look bad, mostly just yourself but it does effect us a bit
0 Replies
nate peck
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 10:39 pm
oh and big props to vol_fan06 and i think i would like you to
0 Replies
nate peck
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2005 10:43 pm
oh one last post for the day, do you people honestly live that sad of lives that you sit on the internet all day and try to bring people down? goodnight, go get a job or read something or watch a movie, call a friend, get a life people cuz what ive seen on here is straight sad. like if this is what you live for, to bring others down, im going to let you in on a little secret, you will have sad miserable lives, you will never be happy and you will never have peace like wwe real Christians have.. so please, quit wasting your lives trying to bring down Christians cuz it cant be done, we have God backing us, how could you even hope to destroy us?
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 07:57 am
husker wrote:
it amazes me how many showed up here to discuss this here

You call this a discussion? I call most of it high school drama. Rolling Eyes

But I guess, we've all been there, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 08:08 am
I think that lefty is right. There are things that once again for those of us that read other forums than this, are being taken out of context. Listen to the words of these people. I am trying myself to talk to these individuals about this. I am going to tell them what my thoughts are. I HAVE NO SIDES IN THIS. I am just trying to say that each side makes mistakes.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 08:09 am
I agree with nate_peck and vol_fan06 that this needs to stop. Having Christian vs. Christian isn't a good example, and isn't how God would want us to live. These girls aren't trying to force their religion down anybodies throats, but they are living for God and using their actions to show God to people. Shoving it down their throats is an overstatement.
Rex, you need to cool down and stop saying that you "know more" and "have been to church longer", because I don't see how your post honor God. These girls are some of the best christians that I know because they live it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 08:11 am
I agree with you to headofthefield that you guys need to talk and work this out.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 09:33 am
**** the burg im goin to fredericktown
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 10:30 am
husker wrote:
it amazes me how many showed up here to discuss this here

You call this a discussion? I call most of it high school drama.

But I guess, we've all been there, huh?

Very Happy

This is the most frivolous argument I have ever seen.

"I'm right!"..."No"..."Yes"..... Confused
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 10:32 am
It's funny to remember the stuff that got me riled up in high school and what was important. Now, it's bills, car payments, insurance, work to worry about....ah to know then what I know now. Very Happy
0 Replies

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