More wealth and jobs created by Democratic administrations
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003, Democrats held White House for 40 years, and Republicans for 42.5 years, during which time,
1. Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs and Republicans 36,440,000.
2. Per Year Average : Democrats = 1,825,200 vs. Republicans = 856,400.
3. There was either a depression or a recession during the administrations of 6 of the 9 Republican presidents .
4. The DOW grew by 52% more under Democrats, and
5. The GDP grew by 26.4% more under Democrats.
Democrat President Bill Clinton versus
Republican President Ron Reagan
1. 24% more jobs underClinton
2. 64% greater GDP under Clinton
3. 500% higher growth in the DOW under Clinton
4. Clinton increased national spending by 28%,
while Reagan increased it by 80%
5. Clinton increased national debt by 28% ,
while Reagan increased it by 187%
6. Clinton produced a huge surplus,
while Reagan increased deficits by 112%
Sources :
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS.Gov)
-- Economic Policy Institute (
Global & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 chart taken from NY Times
National Archives History on Presidents.
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