Quote:I found an interesting cognitive dissonance. It seems there are people who...
- Believe that women have the right to choose an abortion for any reason.
- And, believe that women should not have the right to use abortion to insure they have boys
Despite the information at the link I provide you with, you refuse to make a distinction between women who choose to have an abortion because they don't want a baby, and women who choose to have an abortion because of the social/cultural pressure to not have female babies. Your thinking fails because you refuse to acknowledge that, in India, a male baby is celebrated while a female baby is considered a scourge. This is cognitive dissonance.
Here's a reminder to help you recall what you've forgotten:
It is a crime in India to use an ultrasound to determine the sex of a child and it is also illegal to perform an abortion based on gender, but the laws are rarely enforced.
Aravamudan said that the Indian issue of gendercide is unrelated to the American debate on abortion.
"This is not about pro-life or pro-choice," Aravamudan said. "This is about pro-women, anti-women. I'm not against abortion. This is a crime against women and I am against that."
Last July, in a effort to expose doctors breaking the laws, two activists with a hidden camera, posing as a husband and his five-months-pregnant wife, walked into an ultrasound clinic to hear their test results. The doctor didn't mince words, immediately breaking the law to tell the couple the gender of the fetus.
"It is not a good report as it is a girl child," he said.
He recommended the fetus be aborted and offered the woman an illegal injection to induce a miscarriage for 60,000 to 70,000 rupees -- between $1,100 and $1,300.