I sure do. I especially laughed my ass off when you proceeded to "school" me how women's bodies worked. That was priceless! Thank you for that.
What truly amazes me is the valid point Orally made which most of you seemed to ignore. It goes to show, certain people don't actually give a rat's ass about equality. Why isn't there a men's birth control pill? With the advancement of reproductive studies by medical science why hasn't this issue been solved? Men only have two choices, either wrap a body part in latex or have a minor surgery to stop sperm from entering the semen.
Men's reproductive rights are just as important as a woman's. Maybe some of you need to be reminded of that. I found the subject line of this thread as entirely offensive. Why shouldn't a man
help to decide to carry a pregnancy? He has a vested stake for the rest of his life too, you know. His input should be valued and taken under consideration. Does he get the final say so? No, because, inherently it's not his body. But to discount his opinion and position on the matter is plain wrong.
But oh noooos, Orally said something so OF COURSE it's on automatic disregard.