I was raised to believe that it was wrong and putting all religious inclinations aside, I would say that abstinence is a very good thing and let me tell you why.
First, let's talk about STDs. If everyone adopted the attitude that there was no sex until marriage, what do you think would happen to the STD rate? Granted, STDs are passed around through prostitution and illicit sexual behavior or sexual deviancy, but this goes back to a grass roots effort to instill in children that sex should be reserved for your life mate. If we had the belief of one partner, one time, for life, and no sex outside of wedlock, it would solve a number of issues, including, I suspect, a very significant drop in the STD rate, as well as teenage pregnancies and an over-burdened social system.
The other issue is compatibility. Everyone cries about sexual incompatibility if they can't "test drive" their potential mate. Well, if the playing field is level (neither partner having had previous sexual experience), then BOTH are able to discover each other in the most wonderful way. They can learn together and I think that frustration levels would be diminished. My wife and I were both virgins when we got married. Now, some of you know my current circumstances and how frustrated I am in my marriage AND it even relates to sex, but not for compatibility issues. Anyway, moving right along....
I know in a perfect world we wouldn't have arguments, incompatibilities, frustrations, differing sexual clocks, etc., and the truth is we have to live in the here and now. We have all of these things and they have a very real impact upon our lives and our relationships. My marriage is a huge **** sandwich right now and I'm not only having to take a bite, I'm having to eat the entire sandwich with nothing to drink to wash it down. I haven't run from it though. I have faced it head-on and am trying to work it out (but that's another story.....if you want to know the details, go see the "Emotional Bankruptcy" thread). Many people think that they just can't live without sex. Truth is, you CAN live without it but it isn't easy. It won't kill you if you don't do the wild thing three times a week or once a month or whatever frequency you feel you need it. It WILL cause significant problems for you in a relationship if it's lacking (trust me on this one) but it won't kill you. How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Well, I'm still working on that....hehehehe
Seriously though, I think communication is an integral role in the success of a relationship and communication about sex is also necessary. It doesn't mean you have to have sex, it just means it's something that should be discussed prior to marriage if one adopts the "no sex until honeymoon night" mindset. That's what I'm getting at.
I know that someone will throw it in my face that marriage is over-rated and you don't need to be married to have a successful and fulfilling relationship. Yes, that's very true. I guess I'm a bit old-school on that. Marriage, to me, is a public acknowledgement of my commitment to my mate, for better or for worse, until death do us part. I have had to rethink that a bit because of my own circumstances but I still believe strongly in the institution of marriage. I have stuck by my wife through hell and high water and have found that I, like everyone else, have a breaking point and I'm at that point. I think over the years that society has changed very, very much concerning marriage. I think the new philosophy tends to be "for better UNTIL worse" instead of "for better OR for worse." That is indeed sad and cheapens the bond of marriage but it's not something that is going to be easy to change. Nor do I think society, as a whole, wants to change it. In our fast food, easy applicator, self-centered society, it's much easier to be in a relationship WITHOUT being married because when things start to suck, either one can just walk away because the commitment of marriage and the hammer of the law is not hanging over their head. If I'm single, I can just take my stuff and leave and move on to the next relationship. In marriage, it's much more complicated.
Gawd, I could go on for hours writing about this but I had better stop. I'm sure I've already got three death threats waiting for me in my private messages.
In summary, marriage is a wonderful institution, abstinence is a great way to live until married, and a marriage with great communication usually leads to great sex and you don't need to have sex before marriage to benefit from it afterwards. Things can happen and marriages DO end for any number of reasons but don't run away from conflict in marriage, or outside of it, just because it's uncomfortable. That doesn't say much for your character. It matters not how many times you fall; it matters only that you get up one time more than you fall. My .02 cents (not adjusted for inflation...your mileage may vary).
Good day!