she was laying in the weeds with a "q" which she played as the time was expiring.
What does hnh mean? I'm not up on this fancy computer jargon.
oooh, I hate having the Q for more than a couple rounds.
hnh is like what it sounds like - a tired, little exhale meaning something like "oh?"
What do you think Edgar is going to do tomorrow morning when he wakes up and finds we have been using his precious thread for idle chatter?
I'll bet he's gonna be pissed.
pissed? Nah, maybe miffed. Or perhaps he'll just go, "hnh".
In response to your explanation regarding the meaning of the word "hnh": hnh
Apparently I'm too tired to converse.....
Who's conversing? We're just writing random ****.
Aw, I probably will just answer Lil K's question about the tent. We lived in the tent when I was about three and again when I was in the sixth grade. It stood in back of my step grandmother's house. Between the house and tent was a battered old trailer house that my three oldest brothers and I slept in.
I suspected you were standing in the shadows, Edgar. Standing and watching littlek and I converse. And then... at the right moment.... you strike!
You're an evil man, edgar.
I didn't study Pinky Lee's methodology for nothing, Gus.
Hnhs, my stove looks like this -
(a little grimier, perhaps).
That's a hell of a nice stove, osso
Back on topic.
Tip of the day:
If you have to turn the water off to your house for any reason remove the aerators from the faucets before turning the water back on. Run water to flush the rust and sediment out then replace the aerators.
What sublime said.
Incidentally, my range really is a Roper. It does all the basic stuff as well as expensive ranges. When you think about it, there are not that many ways to improve on an oven for the average throw-it-in-and-cook-it-any-way-you-can type of cook, as I am.
For pure functionality Ropers are fine. It seems that the gas models hold up better than the electric. The elements have a tendency to become wobbly after a short time and that is annoying to cooks of any degree, my GE has the same problem. (what are the first and last letters of the word GarbagE)
Bet nobody realized how nice Gus' swamp house is, allowing for the neighborhood and some of his relatives who tend to visit too often and for far too long.