So, let's try again. What is it that we're proposing solutions to? Are we trying to solve the problem of social security running out of money? Or are we trying to solve the problem of making sure that our elderly are cared for? Or is it a different problem altogether?
I agree. Lets attempt to get this back on topic.
These are a couple of quotes from the Helvering court ruling that declared SS constitutional.
Quote:The hope behind this statute is to save men and women from the rigors of the poor house as well as from the haunting fear that such a lot awaits them when journey's end is near.
Quote:The President's Committee on Economic Security made an investigation and report, aided by a research staff of Government officers and employees, and by an Advisory Council and seven other advisory [301 U.S. 619, 642] groups. 2 Extensive hearings followed before the House Committee on Ways and Means, and the Senate Committee on Finance. 3 A great mass of evidence was brought together supporting the policy which finds expression in the act. Among the relevant facts are these: The number of persons in the United States 65 years of age or over is increasing proportionately as well as absolutely. What is even more important the number of such persons unable to take care of themselves is growing at a threatening pace. More and more our population is becoming urban and industrial instead of rural and agricultural. 4 The evidence is impressive that among industrial workers the younger men and women are preferred over the older. 5 In times of retrenchment the older are commonly the first to go, and even if retained, their wages are likely to be lowered. The plight of men and women at so low an age as 40 is hard, almost hopeless, when they are driven to seek for reemployment. Statistics are in the brief
So what is the real purpose of SS? Is it to provide a retirement or a safety net from poverty in old age?
My personal viewpoint is that we are trying to keep our elderly out of poverty. That means that we always need a safety net that provides something. Personal accounts are great. I have several IRAs and a 401(k). I am not counting on SS to retire on but it does provide a sense of safety from the fear that I might have to face the "poor house" if something does go wrong.
Interesting that to create SS took 8 advisory panels and committee hearings in both houses of Congress. It shouuld take no less to change it from its original goal.