You can see the arguments that drive the basis of these beliefs come out in reading through this and other threads.
The most prevalent argument is, 'Why should I have to help pay for X?' Where X is a drug user, pregnant welfare mom, or lazy minority
every time in the mind of the poster, and never a family ravaged by cancer, and old lady with no family, or a disabled man.
Deep down, they want to get rid of SS all together. They are offended by a system in which money they earn gets spread out to help the less fortunate. The truth is that they don't give a damn about the less fortunate. Oh, you'll hear phrases like 'there are Churches and Charities to help, why can't they do it?' But that's bullsh*t. Tithing to churches is way down over the last twenty years; and who wants to go beg to a
church for money? In many cases, they require you to be, umm, religious before they will help you. This is flat-out wrong IMO that we would force someone to find religion in this manner; it reminds me of the Christian missionaries who won't hand out food, water, or aid to Hindus who won't convert to Christianity. Sickening stuff.
The Democrats have come out and said the following, in a letter to Bush: Take privatization off of the table. You know it doesn't do
anything to solve the money cruch we're undergoing in SS. In fact, it'll make the money crunch much, much worse than it is. We're willing to discuss every other option besides that.
They have done this because they know what you and I know: This is the first step to complete privatization of SS, to getting RID of it altogether. We can't let them get rid of the greatest social invention of the last century, one that has helped an immense number of Americans and is hailed as one of the great achievements of our country.
Personally, I won't ever stop fighting this cause. Can we fix SS? Yes! Do we need to do it right this second, with a bunch of haste, in a way that won't fix it? No!
The good news is that it doesn't look like the private accounts are going to fly, based upon the publics, yeah, massive resistance to the idea. For day-to-day updates, I highly recommend:
Great site.