sozobe wrote:Oh, nice! Very dynamic!
Mmm, tortoiseshells... (I get a better idea of her markings from this series than I have before, I know it's not tortie exactly, really cool though!)
the vet's description on her records is tortie tabby - I'd never heard that combination description before but it's exactly what she is. These shots don't show her tummy, which is her best feature! a beautiful cream with apricot areas - she's dark on top and pale underneath, except her paws which are reversed - a pale brown on top and sooty black underneath.
(I'm following the Sozlet tales avidly by the way! love them)
Drew Dad - that's exactly what she did - pushed her way in and the box split at the seams! she's rather well fed I'm afraid
Oh I'd love to see what you could do with cat pictures Boomerang