I think it is a good picture, and the illusion of the effect will only be noticed by people who use photoshop .
And even then, it is obvious it wasnt applied to the picture.
It truly just looks like water.
But it IS really cool.
I'm just goofing off today, working on some photos and I came across this one of a batch of neighborhood kids that I liked so I thought I would post it:
I always have a hard time with group photos.
I like this one.. but Im not so sure about the border...
it seems to distract..
well .....no
now that I look at it, I do like it..
I was just thinking it's been too long since we've seen some boomerpics.
Really nice one!
Great photo! Which one's are the she-hooligans?
Im betting it is the one in the middle..
she looks like she is just WAITING to get back to .. something she shouldnt be doing that involves high jumps and broken stuff...
Thanks all. It's not a great photo but it will be a fun one to hang on Mo's wall of friends.
Only two of the kids are bonafide she-hooligans: the blonde girl and the girl on the end with the striped leg warmers.
sozobe wrote:
I was just thinking it's been too long since we've seen some boomerpics.
I maxed out the memory of my old computer and I just got a new one so I can finally do some work again. I had to submit some for the school yearbook before spring break so time was getting critical. I'm still getting things moved onto the new computer but should have some stuff to post pretty soon.
What a diverse neighborhood you live in. I expect them to start singing "It's A Small World After All..."
That is one of the many things I love about my neighborhood!
In this photos we have Chinese, Phillipino(a), Latina, Caucasian, and Vietnamese.
When you consider that my state is something like 95% white it is really lucky that we live in an area with such a diverse population.
We live smack dab in the middle of Nike and Intel which adds to the areas mix since they recruit from all over the world.
Blonde she-hooligan looks like she don't take no sh!t from anyone.
Mo is equally enamoured and terrified of Blondie.
She takes sh!t from her three older brother and comes outside to dish it out to all the smaller kids.
She's a demon.
I adore her.
I shouldn't.
And I love the little Chinese girl to the left - what a doll!
Yeah, blondie has bully potential.
I haven't posted much lately and I'm currently learning a new stripped down version of Photoshop and I thought some of you might like to see the 2007 collage so what the hey....
Move over Tommy Lee here come's Mo!! That picture is priceless.
The baby face has definitely gone, only on the first picture of the series
I can make him out, on the others he looks so grown-up already.
Great pictures though, boomer. Does he have pierced ears now?
Oh Wow! Great shots. What a model you have found!
is the greatest picture I have ever seen !!