@cicerone imposter,
On a very serious note, I worry about the morale of the staff working in such a circus like atmosphere. Not for my personal politics but because it crucial the White House remains stable, alert and ready for anything that threatens the country.
I don't know how you can do your best work when the entire day every day is interrupted by tweets, vendettas, fits of pique and wondering if you will have a job or will it go poof without warning. I doubt the staff is given enough time to even sign a 'goodby' card for people who quit, get fired, get replaced or sent into time out.
The kiss of death seems to be Trump stating a name and declaring them to be a great guy, a person of quality, a good good friend, just the best, very loyal, one of the finest, just fine fine quality person and suddenly your lights are punched out.
Some of the recently dumped have told stories about speaking in a friendly fashion to the President by phone then several hours later Trump is tweeting his gratitude for their service and announcing who will be the lucky replacement.
On a very dark note, any current or former White House Aids, Spokesperson, chief of staff or Cabinet member, press secretary who has to appear before a House or Senate committee or be interviewed by special counsel will need to hire a lawyer or several lawyers to guide them thru the investigations or hearings. This can easily run into 6 figures and it comes out of their pockets (there is no such thing as free legal representation.
During Watergate and Iran Contra, Justice department officials/investigators were all over our Agency. It's incredibly unsettling, you'll hear about an employee being called to a conference room and read their rights by Justice officials. Morale plummets, and really good people get disheartened and look for work elsewhere.
I'm thankful I'm retired and no longer subject to the ill will and bad karma these investigations engender. It's probably going to take 10 years for the career employees in the white house to breathe easy again.