@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:Supreme Court shoots down gun cases, upholds ban on assault weapons and open-carry
That's a bad headline on the part of the Washington Times. Refusing to hear a case is not upholding anything.
But it's true that currently we have only four votes on the Supreme Court in favor of upholding the Second Amendment.
However, note the ages of the following leftwing lunatics who are currently seated on the Supreme Court:
Ginsburg: 85
Kennedy: 81
Breyer: 79
Imagine the rulings that we'll get from the Supreme Court when it's Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch,
and three more Trump appointees, all arrayed against Sotomayor and Kagan.
We'll be getting a lot of 7 to 2 rulings in favor of upholding the Constitution once that happens.