MontereyJack wrote:The controversy has never been about pistol grips.
Attempts to ban pistol grips on rifles are about trying to ban pistol grips on rifles. Nothing more and nothing less.
MontereyJack wrote:That's purely your own fixation.
Not at all. The left really does try to outlaw pistol grips on rifles.
You really do post page after page after page of complaints about not being able to ban pistol grips on rifles.
MontereyJack wrote:It's about banning assault-style weapons among other guns.
"assault style weapon" = "rifle with a pistol grip"
MontereyJack wrote:They have generally been DEFINED as having at least two of five characteristics, only ONE of which may be but is not necessarily a pistol grip. In other words, a pistol grip is not necessary for a weapon to be on the prohibited list.
It is still a feature on the list, and that alone makes such laws a violation of people's civil liberties.
Additionally, there is no justification for banning any of the other listed features either. Leftists try to ban these features only because they enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
And the left has declared their own two-feature rule to be an insidious NRA loophole and called for guns to now be banned if they have only one of the features.
MontereyJack wrote:Your fixation has always been just plain silly.
I am not the one who is desperately trying to ban pistol grips on rifles and is posting page after page of complaints about not being allowed to do so.
MontereyJack wrote:And I might add SCOTUS is letting those statutes stand as constitutional so you're just plain blowing smoke as usual.
Wrong again. "What the Supreme Court says" has no bearing on the validity of my posts.
And like I stated just a few posts up, since you have no justification for banning pistol grips on rifles, it is only a matter of time before the Supreme Court starts striking down these bans in the few localities where the NRA is not able to block them outright.
MontereyJack wrote:Rural areas are being hollowed out as their inhabitants move to the city because they can't make a living in the countryside. If you're relying on rurality for NRA support, you're losing, as is the NRA. Demographics are against you. Tough luck.
Rural areas are not going anywhere, and neither is the NRA.