farmerman wrote:Ive been quiet about the pistol grips cause you are obsessed with trying to move the discussion away from the real issues of rapid fire and large cap and banana clips.
I'm addressing pistol grips on rifles because that is what the national debate is about. And when you condemn the NRA for opposing bans on pistol grips on rifles, you are in fact raising the issue of pistol grips on rifles.
If you want the conversation to be about ammo capacity and rapid fire, instead of complaining to me for addressing the national debate, you should complain to the gun control movement for ignoring ammo capacity and rapid fire and making the fight all about pistol grips.
You're blaming me for the gun control movement's choices here. And I am not responsible for the gun control movement's choices.
farmerman wrote:Thats cause pistol grips makes the argument look silly
It doesn't make the argument merely
look silly. It outright
is silly. The only thing that banning pistol grips on rifles achieves is a pointless violation of people's civil liberties without any reason for it.
But that's actually the goal. The gun control movement isn't about saving lives or anything. They just think it's fun to violate people's civil liberties for no reason. So that's what they try to do.
farmerman wrote:and Ill keep reminding you
You don't need to remind
me that there is no reason for banning pistol grips on rifles. I say it ten times more often than you say it.
But since you realize that there is no reason to ban pistol grips on rifles, how about not throwing such a tantrum when the NRA protects pistol grips on rifles?
farmerman wrote:even though you will just keep yapping the same **** over and over again.
Why does it bother leftists so much when I point out facts and reality?
farmerman wrote:As I said before, try some deeper thinking and not bumper sticker mantra spouting.
I'm already the deepest thinker.