Help with modifying virgil quote
Hello, I am *so* relieved to have found this place! I took Latin in college, but I've gotten really rusty.
I was hoping to use a quote in the acknowledgments of my book from Book 2 of the Aeneid: Aspirat primo Fortuna labori. (Fortune smiles upon our first effort).
However, I thought about it for a little while and figured that it didn't work out so well for the Trojans, and perhaps a quote like that would jinx, um, any further efforts.
So I'd hoped to add something to the effect of "(and hopefully, all the rest!)" after that. Or something else to indicate I don't want us to go the way of the Trojans.
Alternately, to modify it to "*May* fortune smile upon our first effort," but that would be subjunctive, right? And then I'm totally lost. Subjunctive was always my Achilles heel.
So if anyone would like to help and/or give an opinion about whether or not that quote is too morbid to include in the book, I'd really appreciate it.
The irony is that I met the person I'm directing it at ina Vergil class. So maybe it's dark humor.
Thank you in advance!