Translate English into Latin

Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2005 11:50 am
You're welcome, pworks36.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 05:54 pm
help please
need some help, im after a tattoo and what i have always wanted is a famous quote or saying on my shoulder in latin. at this present moment i would like the saying "its not the size of the dog in the fight its the size of the dog " translated please anyone, thanks.
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 06:18 am
Um, do you mean:

It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
it's the size of the fight in the dog.

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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 06:41 am
If so,

Non magnitudo canis in pugna,
sed pugnae in cane est.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 06:41 am
yeah i mean

It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 06:07 am
English to latin
Can anyone help me translate "so what" into latin? As in " so what if I'm late to work" or "so what if he doesn't call". I would really appreciate any help.
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:25 am
Quid tum

(Literally, "What then")
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Apr, 2005 01:18 am
Strangely I want to get a tattoo of this quote in "memory" of closest friend who has left me way too early. Someone has helped me get this far but I wanted to make sure it was translated correctly before I make it forever. Thank you For any help.

"How happy is the blameless Vestals lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot;
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned."

tam aetas Vestalis innocentis est beata,
mundum obliviscens, a mundo est oblita,
solem incorrupti mentis aeturnum
quaeque precum accepta votorumque acquietum
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Apr, 2005 08:15 am
I saw this yesterday on another thread.
I wanted to offer a translation of my own, but haven't finished yet.
(I do this in bits and pieces as time allows.)

I will post my own attempt later and then discuss the differences between
my own and Africanus's fine version.


I would recommend using the original English for your tattoo for the
following reasons:

1. This is a quotation from Alexander Pope, a literary giant. Why goof
with it?

2. Every translation loses something. It's just in the nature of translation.

3. Neither Africanus nor I is a professional at this. And translation of
poetry is a difficult task even for professional scholars.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Apr, 2005 12:14 pm
Quam felix sors Vestalium innocentum!
Mundum obliviscens, mundus eas obliviscitur;
Sol sempiternus mentis immaculatae!
Quaeque deprecatio exaudita, et quodque desiderium submissum.

Line 1
I use Quam instead of Tam because that is, I believe, the more common
usage in an exclamation.
I used felix instead of beata. Beata is better.
I used sors (lot) instead of aetas (life). Just a matter of preference.
Somehow I assumed Vestals was plural, but using the singular makes more sense.

Line 2
We agree on mundum obliviscens.
How to say "by the world forgot" is a problem. Obliviscor is a
deponent verb so it is passive in form but active in meaning. I
turned the phrase around and said "the world forgets them" (mundus eas

Line 3
Africanus went with the accusative of sol, but I'm not sure why. I
would prefer the nominative.
For "spotless" I used immaculatae (Catholic heritage , I guess), but I
would not argue with incorruptae (changed to feminine to agree with
Aeternus or sempiternus is just a matter of preference.

Line 4
Africanus uses the form "each one of prayers accepted and of wishes
resigned", whereas I used the form "each prayer accepted and each wish
resigned". They amount to the same thing, I'd say.

I believe Africanus meant to say acceptum rather than accepta.

As for the choice of words, I used deprecatio for prayer and exaudita
for accepted (literally "heard") because I have seen these terms used
in the Latin Vulgate Bible. Same for my use of desiderium and

So which version to use?
Let's wait to see whether Africanus responds and we can come with a
version we both like.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Apr, 2005 04:23 pm
Africanus omnibus s.d.

good call regards the poem george, the original english is best. But if its latin you be wanting ...

I think a merging of the two translations could yield results. While reading try and bear in mind some things.

1. I am trying to keep the same kind of scansion & rhyme found in the original poem. The original has 10 syllables per line, i have managed 13 in lines 1,3 & 4 but have 14 in line 2. Sad

2. I have used the dative in line 2 for mundus (just as in oblitus est mihi)

3. I use the accusative in line 3 for sol to allow it to rhyme with line 4 - i believe it to be permissable in a sentence without a verb.

4. I have used omnis - in the singular so meaning each

Quam sors Vestalis innocentis est beata,
mundum obliviscens, mundo eam est oblita
Solem mentis immaculatae sempiternum
omnis prex exaudita votusque submissum

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2005 04:27 am
Alright, I've been trying to translate a phrase, but I'm only in 1st year Latin and now my brain hurts... some help please!

The phrase is "This body may perish, but I shall continue."

I want to use morior for perish (duh) and persevare for continue... but I can't wrap my head around the conjugation for morior >.< Therefore I gave up and decided I needed some help!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2005 12:08 pm

Wow! I didn't realize you were shooting for meter and rhyme as well.

Very nice work, but I still have reservations about mundo eam est oblita.
I know that obliviscor can take the gentive as well as the accustive for its
object, but I am not familiar with the use of the dative. I would take eam
oblita est
to mean "she forgot her."

Am I being dense? (Wouldn't be the first time.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2005 12:31 pm
Here's my take on it.

I used etsi and tamen (even if...stiil).
I put both verbs in the future tense.
I used ego explicitly to distinguish self from body.

Etsi hoc corpus morietur, tamen ego perseverabo.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2005 01:42 pm
Africanus & George Thank you for your help. It is amazing how well you know the tongue. I do agree on leaving it in english, how ever I have many other pieces done all of which are in latin so that is the sole reason for changing it. I was wondering if you had any good tips to give me on learning latin seeing as though It has come time to take Latin as my second tongue?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Apr, 2005 06:06 am
can you translate for me in latin" for every solution there is a problem"
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Apr, 2005 01:00 pm
per quamque solutionem problema est
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 12:35 pm
translate english into latin
could someone please tell me this in latin,


0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 12:31 am
Hi everyone found out some cool stuff just lurking around but I have a a couple requests..... Can you guys translate the following to latin:

Persevere to Perpetuate

Innocence lost, or Innocence is dead

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 08:16 am

Si mentem meam seducis, corpus meum habere potes.
Si animam meam invenis, semper tua sum.
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