I will follow my heart because we are meant to be,
EGO mos insisto meus pectus pectoris quoniam nos es vilis futurus ,
I will capture your soul and take you away with me,
EGO mos excipio vestri animus quod take vos absentis me ,
I intend to make you mine,
EGO penitus facio vos mei ,
So let us be together forever.
Sic permissum nos exsisto una forever.
I don't know if any of these translations actually convey the correct meaning. I would hesitate to use this poetry to go courting a woman unless she personally desires to be owned. It seems (to me) to be rather disregarding the woman's own choice in the courting. Modern women might not appreciate this attitude.
"Love" is when the other person's happiness is a pre-requisite to one's own happiness. This poetry seems more to imply an obsessive desire to possess and rather objectifies the woman. Am I correct in guessing this post was made by a male?