Re: Traslation question
Raphillon wrote:George wrote:drewpy181 wrote:How would I translate the saying:
Remember Who You Are
My dad says it to me every time I leave his house and I wanted to get it translated to make him a gift. Thanks!
Memorare qui tu es
[...and do you?]
Hi, George. Don't you think the imperative (memento) could be more appropiate?
Memento quis es
What do you say?
Good point, Raphillon.
I was using a different verb, "memoro". The form "memorare" came to
mind due an old Catholic prayer called the Memorare in which that form
of the verb is used in an imperative sense. But that, of course, is the
infinitive of "memoro". It may be that in later Latin (the prayer is from
the 12th Century, I believe) "memoro" had changed into a deponent verb.
That would explain the form "memorare".
So I agree, "memento" would be a better choice. I would still use "qui"
rather than "quis." I'd also use "tu" for emphasis, but that's just a matter
of style. The grammar wouldn't require it.
Your thoughts?