George wrote:ZildjianUK wrote:Hey thinking of getting these words as a tattoo in latin
so i need them translated pretty accurately
"What will survive of us is love" thanks for ur help. Steve.
Here's how I would translated that:
Id quod ex nobis superstabunt amor est
Now, bear in mind that I am not a professional Latin scholar. I just do this
for fun. Have someone else review this befor getting a tattoo. I hear they
don't erase too easily.
To all you nutcases who like to stain your skin with what you hope is artwork....
I read in the paper yesterday that there is now a tattoo process which is indelible and long-lasting (permanent) but also is removable by a laser treatment
(if and when you come to your senses, or get some maturity from somewhere)
The ink capsules are held in micro-pellets in the skin and can only be degraded by laser, after which the ink disperses and the tattoo vanishes, pretty much.