In fairness to georgeob1, the task he has taken upon himself-defending Trump and his policies-is a Herculean one. And he's not even allowed to divert a river to flush everything out.
When Russia forcibly annexed the Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and fomented and supported an Eastern Ukraine rebellion, the sanctions the UK, EU and US put upon Russia cratered the Russian economy. They are still working. What Obama, Merkel and the EU leaders didn't expect is that the Russians would manipulate social media and other networks to install a puppet for Putin in the White House.
Even so, though, Trump hasn't had much luck taking off sanctions against Russia, so the Russian economy hasn't grown hardly at all in four years. Russians are great at manipulating social media, at least at present, but they still suck at producing finished products or much of anything else useful. For all their education, (0ver 50% of them have a four year college degree), most of them still live worse than Americans on food stamps.
And it's not getting any better.