I believe most people believe Hillary is now a figure more to be pitied than feared. It turned out that she was as strident and tone deaf in the 2016 campaign as she was in the first year of Bill's 1st term when she set out to reform our health care system with Ira Magaziner and a bunch of bureaucrats. It is indeed interesting that she didn't appear to have learned anything (except perhaps how to extract financial benefits from government service) in the intervening years.
I find it intriguing to observe that modern progressives have, in this very secular age, reinvented original sin. All living American whites are necessarily guilty of racism because America tolerated slavery 200 + years ago. Some even go so far as to insist that this is an intrinsic feature of a Western Culture that apparently must be suppressed because of such past evils.
Glitterbag goes so far as to suggest that all (but herself of course) white Americans are racist, and their menfolk also misogynists. (There's little doubt that some of them are, and that various forms of these very human vices are shared by some
individuals of other racial groups and sexes.) However the implied notion in all this, that such assumed group traits transcend individual differences, is itself at the heart of racism. The truth is that human nature is universal and the differences among individuals within any of these arbitrary groups are large compared to the supposed central tendencies of the groups themselves.
These self styled "progressives" also forget that the practice of slavery was nearly universal over 300 years ago, It was widespread in Asia, the Moslem world, Africa, parts of Europe and throughout the growing European Empires. Indeed the word, "slave" itself is derived from references to the ( very White) South Slavs who were so widely enslaved by the Ottoman Turks and neighboring Arabs.
I don't mean in any of this to deny the harm done to African Americans by American slavery or the Jim Crow regime that followed it. However the facts of History make it clear that slave owners and slaves have come from all so called racial groups.
The antithesis to racism and misogyny is in recognizing the individuality of every person, without regard to such categories. " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This includes judging others by the content of their characters, instead of the color of their skins as MLK so aptly put it.
The irony here is that the contemporary progressive reform movement has come full circle and adopted the same nonsensical group values and assumptions as those they so vociferously criticize. Glitterbag has provided us an apt example.