I feel sorry for that fellow with the platelet problem... (clearly not kicky's situation).
Yeah, but that key idea...pretty cool stuff! I'm definitely going to try that next time I get a bloody nose.
kickycan wrote:Stilly, maybe it would be a good idea if I just lopped off my balls completely. Then I'd be sure to have the important area taken care of, eh?
Not to mention that the nosebleed would be the least of your problems at that point.
skip the key and try an icy cold compress. Dampen a cloth, stick it in the freezer for 5 minutes and then apply to the back of your neck (brr!).
I can't decide which of the last two ideas is better.
Cold compress...or lopping off my balls....hmmmmm....
I can't decide which of the last two ideas is better.
Cold compress?...or lopping off my balls?....hmmmmm....
Here is an image, tip of nose points to right, hanging down thing is lip.... area called littles is where most children's nose bleeds occur.
Link to article with diagrams
No lil-K - it is chopping their face in half that causes all the bleeding.....
what i wanna know is - does that #14 hook up to the vein going through the back of the neck? that's what i want to know.
Wow! Dag, that's a really freaky-looking picture.
i like it. tell me, does it look like the ole 14 there hooks up with 1? And 5, does it hook up with 2,3, or 4? i think it should. it really should.
Kicky - if you did get an orchidectomy (that's where they chop your nuts off) you would not have to worry about hair loss anymore. Male pattern balding is related to the amounts of testosterone and androgen your body produces.
Eunuchs can expect to keep their hair. Fat lot of fu*king good it will do them, but they will have great hair.
Also, if you did wax your anus hairs and have some-one deftly and rapidly remove them all in one go you would have an inkling of what childbirth must be like..........
well, all the veins go through the neck, right. And, even the main veins in the front of the neck are very close to the spine. I think cold compressing all the way around one's neck is easy enough and would cover it all. Other suggestions online were applying cold compress to bridge of nose and cheeks.
The medical term for nose bleeds is Epistaxis
those are all excellent points. i bet there is funding for this type of research somewhere! it may be a whole new career for ya, tarcan!
AND, speaking of tarcan, quitting smoking is mentioned more than once.....
I told you...I already quit smoking!
that's what the lollipops are for
Bingo, ehbeth! I haven't smoked in over five days now...holy ****, I might just make it this time!