Oh my! I have been interested in Fox "News" since hearing the alleged foreign correspondent I blathered about on the US Iraq etc thread.
Anyhoo - just watched a documentary on them - all familiar stuff - I mean, we BRED Murdoch - but then I became struck by something - this was made a bit before the election - and there, appearing on Fox - were most of the slogans and catch-phrases (like flipper-flopper and such stuff) and mud-slinging that appeared, hey presto, as if by magic in the mouths of our more extreme or unthinking right wing people here! It was incredible - as was watching footage of some of their anchors and - I dunno - what are they? - the very aggressive op-ed show people - like Shut-up O'Reilly - is that his name?
Now - one expects slogans and such to be made up by political organizations, right - or by media outlets when they are advertising themselves - but political slogans appearing that are created by media outlets??? OK again - if they are avowedly pushing a particular party line - like the various left or right wing or green rags - but by a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced?
WERE those slogans made up by Fox, or did they actually promulgate those made up by the Republican machine???? (

This was truly extraordinary to me - and it will have me scrambling to check out the daily Murdochs here for the same extreme behaviour.
I actually heard some talking heads on a "news" commentary program going on in fake French accents about how awful the French are (and look at the anti-French stuff here - now I think I know where all that comes from) and then going on about how Kerry looks French - and the choice between decent Americans and nasty French-like Kerry!!! I would never have believed such a thing had I not seen it.
Does this sort of stuff occur on any other American network? Is there, for instance, any anti-conservative crap of the same ilk on the major alphabets, that the right here claim to be so biased?
To be fair, this was, of course, an anti-Fox documentary, and was very critical of their standard of journalism, so I was doubtless treated to the very worst of their stuff - but that it exists at all was a shock! And Murdoch's editorial control is, at times, as blatant here as it was being said to be with Fox. (I have seen him in a TV interview stating quite clearly that he was back in Oz to make sure the conservatives won a federal election, as he had given the others a chance at government, and they had blown it. I doubt he would be so foolishly clear about this now - this was 30 years ago.)
(Honestly, Beth, you claim from your POV that Fox and the US alphabets all look alike - but I have never seen such extremes of stuff on any of the other major American network programs I have seen - from the Oz perspective they look different.)