Foxfyre wrote:I can't see how anything she says paints her as a racist unless there are some here who are so unread to extrapolate Tolkien's White City into a racial euphemism.
Why would it be "unread" to extrapolate Tolkien's White City into a racial euphemism? Isn't that exactly what she does?
Yes, I've read the LOTR trilogy (kind of a kid's book, I personally think) - so I understand what the reference is
to. Now to figure out what it's
about, I would say - analogies usually have a point, after all.
Note what she writes again. (And that her articles get a
lot but races (or cultures, to be polite)."
She then defines Western "culture" (her self-confessed "polite" euphemism for race) as the superior one and sketches the threats posed by today's immigration as a question of the "rise and fall of peoples". She writes:
"We are the adults of the world, caring for masses of hapless childlike asylum-seekers, economic and political and social refugees, immigrants legal and illegal, as well as entire hapless childlike nations that have not yet physically landed on our shores with hands outstretched." Hell, the West with its superior culture "constitutes a Head Start program for the entire planet". (She actually brings up
The Lord of the Rings as an example of our superior culture, unaware I suppose of ancient or modern Indian literature - but, let me not get distracted by sillyness).
The conclusion she draws from all this then, is this:
"Hoping that demography is destiny,
the races of the human race are now engaged in a different kind of race: reproduction. Hispanics boast of reconquering California and the Southwest through numbers alone. [..] The same race is on in Kashmir and a hundred other places. Only the West is failing to weaponize population growth."
The vital issue of the day is the demographic race ... between the races.
What the West - notably defined in the article as non-Hispanic America and pre-immigration Europe (ergo, the whites) - should do is realise the importance, in this "race of the races", of "weaponizing population growth".
To fend off attempts on our destiny, our race needs to win the demographic race. Through weaponizing our own population growth to counter that of other races and cultures.
that's where she files in her metaphor:
"it is possible to believe that we too, like Tolkien's Aragorn, "will not let the White City fall."
Whats the "White City" in this metaphor, Fox? Western culture? Defined by her as the pre-hispanic America, the America of European immigrants, as those "European, Canadian, Australian and American men" whose superior qualities were "a difference of kind, not of degree"? The culture - the superior culture - we have to protect from "the expansion of these Third World populations", from the "reconquering of California and the Southwest" by Hispanics?
White culture?
Admittedly, her last few points at first sight appear a bit of a jumble. But they're more consistent than they seem. The West constitutes a Head Start program for the rest of the world, those "masses of hapless childlike" peoples; but its not like they are actually able to learn or catch up with us, for "as with the version tried with 'underprivileged' kids in the U.S., performance improves during the intensive initial effort, but once the program's over, the improvements fade away." Its not just that we're superior right now, our bright minds are superior in
kind rather than degree: whatever progress they might make will just fade away again. That is, I suppose, why integration is no option and instead we have to make more white, I mean Western, babies to win the demographic race, if we are at all to have a chance saving that White City.
No jumble there - this is actually pretty consistent supremacist ideology, barring how she mixes up race and culture. Only the metaphor itself is flawed: Rome's Eternal City still stands, after all, even though the Romans imploded demographically. I would say that means all is not lost after all, even should us Whites lose the demographic race - but that's probably just me, for it is that exact "race between the races" she makes the centerpiece of her stirring evocation after all.
Her White City is a metaphor, Fox, yes, a euphemism if you wish. Now what's it a metaphor