Quote:Hi brianjakub, thanks for responding. I carefully examined your response, but, I noted that this does not address the question of why all three do not have the same knowledge at the same time while in heaven. Remember, in the truest sense of the trinity, there would not be a case where one part of the trinity would know something and the other 2 not know that exact same thing.
They all have access to the same knowledge but, the sharing of that knowledge by developing and sharing an idea takes a process that all three persons of the trinity participate in together but differently. All three have a different and distinct responsibility in the process because of their nature. Their nature is defined by natural law which is revealed by God in the process of sharing his knowledge with us through Jesus (His Word and now also the physical representation of His Word) and the interpreter of the correct understanding of the Word, the Holy Spirit.
Natural Law which reveals God's nature shows us that all knowledge if it is to be shared must go through the same process.
1. The knowledge creates an idea. (God the Father who is pure perfect and complete knowledge does that.)
2. The ideas must be turned into pictures symbols or words to be shared. (This must happen even for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to understand God's ideas).
If the idea is just to be shared within the Trinity of God or anyone in spiritual union with them that is all that is needed.
But God wants more than sharing of ideas with us. He wants us to experience His ideas, and have the freedom to learn through experience so. . .
3. To share the "experience of the idea" the idea must be stored in a physical universe separate from the creator of the idea so, it can be experienced and understood by each individual in their own way. (This is true for all ideas including yours and mine. They must be transferred from the universe of our bodies to the universe of the space time continuum if the experience of the idea is to be shared with other intelligent beings that have the freedom of living in their own body. )
That is where the Jesus and the Holy Spirit come in. They make God's knowledge real in the physical universe by storing it in words in the atoms of the universe, and then the Holy Spirit helps us interpret the words and the experience the Way God the Father intended it. (The Holy Spirit does this if we submit our Spirit To the will of The Holy Spirit.)
Quote:Also, as you noted, the Father is always the one giving the instruction. Even while in heaven Jesus makes it clear that he is only the recipient or receiver, not the originator of the message while in heaven. And when it comes to sharing thoughts between them, there would be no need for anything to be shared between them if they were all 3 equal in knowledge.
God the Father knows everything always all the time. Jesus expresses what God knows by experiencing it in words( including the words stored in the atoms of the universe). Jesus (like your body) learns through experience.
But unlike God your mind has to learn, God's doesn't. And unlike your body Jesus doesn't learn from mistakes he learns from experience.
So, does Jesus need to experience to know? I think yes. Whether the experience is a thought picture in their minds or a physical experience in the universe like when the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Does Jesus need to ask The Father to know what the father knows? I think yes. (There are examples of Him asking the Father questions in scripture,)
Does He always get a complete answer and have access to all of the knowledge of the Father? I would say yes.
Can we access the knowledge of the Father without going through the process of understanding by experiencing His Word as expressed through His Body Jesus Christ (which are included in the words He stored in the atoms of the universe)? I say no because, that goes against the Laws of nature that reveal the reality of God the Father (which is His knowledge) as it is presented to us through the Son as stated above.