DrewDad wrote:McGentrix wrote: No liberties lost yet though. As far as this "if one loses rights, we all lose rights" battle cry of the left... BullShyte.
Translation: None of McGentrix's liberties have been lost. Apparently, this is all that matters.
I have lost plenty of liberties. I have lost the liberty of free travel because Islamic terrorists threaten too many of the locations I'd like to travel to. I have lost the sense of security I once had because Islamic terrorists have taken it away. I have lost the liberty to not pre-judge young Islamic males because they may be Islamic terrorists.
However, these liberties were not granted me by the constitution of the US. All those liberties are still as safe and secure as they always have been because the government works and because our system works.
If you wish to shed tears over Padilla, you are welcome to, you have that liberty. If you wish to insult the president, you may, youy have those liberties. If you wish to hope the US fails in Iraq, you are free to, you have those liberties. Just do not expect every one else in America to share your views as "patriotic" instead of "foolish" though.