It may not have occurred to you, but there are a whole better things to wonder about than a kooky conspiracy theory. How about spending some of that time actually working to elect folks whose politics you do agree with? Spend sometime enjoying the freedoms we enjoy, and perhaps contribute to making things better for others. I can pretty much guarantee you'll find the Wizard of Oz more pleasurable to read than paranoid ranting.
Why is it that you are so concerned over such patent nonsense? Events happen, sometimes in retrospect we believe that something might have been done to change the course of events. We want things to be simple and understandable, but events are seldom simple and there are always unanswered questions. Witnesses see only a part of what happened, and their understanding is distorted by emotion and prejudices. Not being omniscient, things may seem irrational, so people begin to spin theories to explain away their confusion and calm their emotional distress. Great tragedies demand great and evil forces behind them. Who could be powerful enough to cause such trauma? We look for scapegoats, and always find them. Sometimes its the Jews or the Catholics, sometimes the Masons, sometimes its the Communists or our own government. Al Quida couldn't be so powerful that they could bring about the 9/11 operations, so it must be someone else. Who? Why its obvious that only the US government is that powerful. Movie and television dramas have repeatedly shown how devious and powerful government conspiracies can be. Bush and Company must have stolen every election, because Democratic partisans and Hollywood celebrities have assured us that the American People overwhelmingly disapprove of Republican policies. Sen. Kennedy and Clinton represent the real political aspirations of the American public, so the only way their candidates fail at the polls must be dirty pool. Farhenhight 9/11 is clear proof positive that President Bush and his wealthy cronies were behind the events of 9/11, right!? :wink:
String a few of these conspiracies together that the fringe like so much and what do you get?
Lincoln was assassinated by Stanton, his Secretary of War, because Lincoln wasn't radical enough for the Republican Party. Booth was just a patsy, and had to be killed to hide the truth. The whole thing was orchestrated by wealthy Yankees intent on robbing the Treasury. With Lincoln out of the way they were able to elect Grant. Grant was a willing conspirator and appointed Cabinet members to insure that the Indians were robbed of their land. The Republican Congress, all of whom were in the pockets of the wealthy, gave away the stolen land to railroads. The country didn't really need the railroads, but it was a way to enrich the rich. Garfield was assassinated because he wasn't part of the cabal, and Chester A. Arthur could be relied upon to aid the conspirators. There are numerous unanswered questions regarding 19th century elections, and in every instance the powerful prevailed. McKinley was assassinated so that Teddy Roosevelt could become President, and carryout the Imperial plots of a few powerful and wealthy aristocrats.
Wilson may have been a member of the Democratic Party, but at heart he was patrician and supporter of the status quo. He sent U.S. troops to invade Mexico, where the Army rode roughshod over the poor peasants and trampled on Mexican sovereignty. After promising to keep the nation out of war, he conspired with the British to enter WWI. He set up the Lousitania to be sunk, and then took months to strong-arm Congress into declaring war.
Those nasty Republicans caused and then used the Depression as an excuse to steal the land of farmers by foreclosing on mortgages and loans. They encouraged stock market speculation, and then sold their shares at enormous profits before the Crash. When it was clear that the game was up, and the American People were ready to throw the scoundrals out, and install a Socialist or Communist government that would truly care for the People, they got FDR elected as a Democrat. All along FDR was a hidden agent of the conspiracy, and he worked closely with that other warmonger, Churchill to bring about WWII.
The Colonial powers, including the US, were determined to keep the Japanese in their place. The Japanese were denied resources they were entitled to. When Japan tried to liberate China and the rest of Asia from the greedy clutches of the US and other Colonial powers, war was inevitable. Hitler could have been peacefully accommodated, but Churchill was determined that Germany should never be more than a vasal state. Hitler tried to maintain the peace by forming an alliance with Stalin, but Stalin was only a tool for the International Jewish conspiracy (along with that notorious American Jew, FDR), so Poland had to be attacked to save it from the Communists. FDR and Churchill just had the dickens of a time trying to provoke war. Finally FDR managed to induce the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. FDR and his administration could have prevented the attack, but they purposely made sure that the maximum damage would be done.
Truman may have poisoned FDR to prevent him from spilling the beans about how WWII was started and conducted. FDR wasn't really willing to use the Atomic Bomb, so Truman had to be put into office. Truman was also a crypto-Republican, after all he was a businessman and the favorite son of a large political machine. The Japanese were close to surrender, and they had to be kept in the war so an invasion of the Japanese Islands was planned. No one ever really intended to invade with troops, because it would be much better to kill as many innocent Japanese citizens with an Atomic blast and radioactivity. Later, Truman worked to turn China over to the Communists and encouraged the DPRK to invade ROK. When it looked as if that great American hero General MacArthur might actually win the Korean War, Truman fired him.
People tend to forget how long this conspiracy has been going on.
Get a life. The Constitution is still the foundation of American life. The economy is recovering, though the national debt is too high. Our military is the best that ever existed anywhere, anytime. On the other hand, the cost of war always drives the debt out of sight. Folks still are at liberty to believe any sort of nonsense they wish. There is no censorship of newspapers, magazines, books, or films. You can travel anywhere without restriction, follow any career (including welfare) you like. Life in the U.S. is pretty darned good, and its better today for more people than it was even fifty years ago. If you can't take a joke, then .........