i got to do some real work soon so hope to see some good answers tomorrow

leave you with a poem..
Prime of Life
Life is so fragile, gone in a wink,
all that was visible, right down the sink.
Searching for answers that will never be found,
find only questions, with meanings profound.
Taken with wonder about how could this be,
gone is our innocence ...a gross tragedy.
Right at this moment, in the prime of our life,
our symbols of majesty ~ taken down so precise.
Why did this happen ...to achieve martyrdom?
something so final that can't be undone.
The question arises that is unbearably sad,
those refused life's ambitions, when clearly prepared.
Fairness is absent and fate intervenes,
has karma been finished behind all the scenes?
Looking for meaning that's been lost in absurd,
angels are singing with sounds still unheard...
The message must be to somebody else,
gain wisdom & insight inside of yourself.
Compassion or vengeance ...the time has begun,
and it started like clockwork as we reached 911.
