For the sake of time (and my own laziness) I'll reply in English.
> Rogare me oportet, Georgi; esne linguae latinae magister?
A Latin teacher? I'm flattered. No, I am a software engineer.
> Semper in hoc foro responsiones das formasque rogationum varas
> respondens fere in singulos dies.
I work at a computer most of the day.
I like to translate bits and pieces of Latin for fun.
> Ubi es (si possim rogare)?
I'm in Massachusetts, north of Boston.
> Esne sodalis in quodam internetiale sodalicio latine?
I'm not a member of any online Latin clubs.
> scisne de paginis aliis quae ad linguam latinam pertinent?
The Latin-related site I use most often are:
The Perseus Project -- they have an online Latin-English dictionary
Guide to Wheelock's Latin -- grammar & syntax
Latin Vulgate - the Bible in side-by-side English and Latin (how would Jerome say it?)
> Si potes, ad eas paginas ambule.
> (haec pagina locutorium habet,
> plerumque vacuum, sed aliquando multos adesse invenias).
> (haec pagina Colloquia
> Latina habet multis cum espistulis scriptis de multis thematis - nuntii
> mundi quoque latine recitantur).
I'll check them out. Thank you!
> Si de aliis paginis scis, quaeso, mihi eas nuntias.
Jus the pages I cited above.
> Vale!
Take care!
> (Ob hanc paginam, nunc credo eos, qui 'tatoos' faciunt, negotium
> negotiosum habere)
I'm obviously in the wrong profession!