Thu 21 Sep, 2006 09:07 pm
This might be something new with google or it might be something I'd simply not noticed which became possible two years ago, I don't know. Nonetheless with both XP and Ubuntu Linux (in the case of linux a desktop launcher for the command setxkbmap 'ru') I now seem to be able to quickly search the whole Russian side of the web. For instance a quick search on "pushkin skazka o tsariye Saltanye" (in cyrillic characters which able2know does not seem to be able to handle) turns up a mountain of hits and all kinds of the fabulous artwork Russians typically use to illustrate Pushkin stories, e.g.
And re the Cyrillc -- we're just set up for the standard Western character set, that's why you sometimes see &12345 or whatever; that's people trying to type in Cyrillic or Mandarin or the like and that's how it ends up on the board.