Baldimo wrote:I wouldn't want to see R vs. W overturned, as much as I would want to see it limited in scope. To use it as a method of birth control is awful and should be outlawed. To use it in extreme cases such as rape and incest would by much more adequate and proper. Make people have to use personal responsibility when it comes to sex and pregnancy.
No offense, but this is one of the dumbest, and most common arguments from conservatives I have encountered personally regarding the abortion issue.
To suggest that women use abortion as "a form of birth control" is pure conjecture, assumption, speculation, pick your word. Abortion, so I've heard, is not really a pleasant experience for a woman.
I'm with you on rape and incest, and I agree with you on the idea of "personal responsibility" (and well, you kinda do sound like a liberal there, :wink: ) regarding pregnancy, but it does take two to tango. You appear to be putting all the responsibility on the woman, which I don't believe is right.
In general, while I happen to agree with you on certain points, I find your characterization of abortion, and how it should be legalized, rather misguided, and very narrow-minded. In the interests of debate, how do you feel about stem-cell research?