Revel writes:
Quote:In any event, kennedy was not a conservative in the way of George Bush. I noticed that in my quick search.
You're right. In his day, JFK was more progressive than were many other Democrats or some of the staunch old guard Republicans, but he was far more conservative than is George W. Bush now.
One thing if we are to achieve tolerance for diversity of thought is to rid ourselves of the notion that "progressive" = "liberal".
And the classical definitions of 'liberal' and 'conservative' bear no resemblance to the modern understanding of 'liberal' and 'conservative' today.
As I see it, modern conservatives put faith in the individual and the private sector more than they put faith in government. Traditional values are usually cherished including community customs, marriage, public decency, personal freedom, patriotism, industriousness, excellence etc.--every member of the family is considered important including the unborn. Modern conservatives believe charity is a matter of personal conscience and not a function of government except to provide for those who are truly helpless and cannot provide for themselves. Modern conservatives put importance on things being real: education, the benefits of a program or initiative, etc. and will look for a better way to achieve competence and excellence when it is obvious that these are lacking. Modern conservatives put less importance on a person's ethnicity or color or gender or background but rather judge all people on what they say and do and contribute. Modern conservatives believe we each much bear responsibility for the choices we make. Modern conservatives believe the best charity is creating an environment and opportunities so that charity is unnecessary and government should contribute to that or get out of the way so as not to hinder it.
Modern liberals put faith in the government more than the private sector and look to government to solve the problems of society. Modern liberals often see inadequate government funding more than process/policy as the root of social problems. Modern liberals frequently reject more traditional values in the name of free expression, inclusiveness, tolerance, self esteem, equality of situation and outcome. Modern liberals generally see the intent as much or more important than the result. Modern liberals put great importance on ethnicity or color or gender or background in order to understand degrees of victimization of various people or groups and thereby determine what society owes to these people. It is more important to understand and care than it is to require results. Allowances must be made for victims of society and these cannot be expected or required to contribute as the privileged can be expected (or required) to contribute. Liberals believe the best charity is providing for the less fortunate and advantaged and it is the function of government to do that.
There is a lot more that I think about these two ideologies of course, and I fully realize that almost nobody is 100% anything but we are all a mixture of all. I personally am far more conservative than liberal, but I do hold a liberal view or two.
In response to DTOM's question about extremes:
I see the abortion clinic bombers, murderers of abortion doctors, those who demand creationism be taught and evolution not be taught in the schools, the white supremists, and such as that as the radical wild-eyed lunatic fringe on the conservative side.
I see the tree spikers, those who throw blood on women wearing fur coats, those who demand all evidence of religious faith be removed from all public settings, those who seek to punish people for having a different point of view, the sit-in-on-legal-business people and such as that as the radical wild-eyed lunatic fringe on the liberal side.
I think both liberals and conservatives value personal freedoms equally, but I think they see such freedoms differently. I think both liberals and conservatives are compassionate equally, but they see the best way to be compassionate differently. I think both liberals and conservatives are patriotic and value good citizenship, but I think they see those things somewhat differently.
The point is, can we ever get to the point where we can see things differently without seeing those who think differently as being evil?