Freeduck writes:
Quote:So now you're claiming JFK too? Most people are not wile-eyed liberals. That doesn't make them conservative in the contemporary sense.
JFK was far more conservative in outlook, philosophy, and practice than are many Republicans these days. So was LBJ for that matter even as he expanded the "Great Society", including civil rights reforms, with the help of many Republicans on capital hill. It was mostly the Democrats in those days who were the true conservatives determined to maintain the status quo and who resisted the radical changes of the mid to late 50's and 60's. Some of the changes were great, some not so great. But assigning 'liberal' and 'conservative' to political parties is in no way an exact science if you use classical definitions.
These days "liberal" mostly means rejection of traditional values; "conservative" mostly means preservation of traditional values. Both sides can be equally intolerant of the views of the other, which again ties in with the thesis of this thread.
I do believe that a large majority of Americans are far more conservative than liberal, whether they define themselves that way or not. And, as the GOP tends to be more hospitable to those of conservative bent, I believe that is why the GOP did so well in the national, state, and local elections last month.