Lash wrote:People like PDiddie are what is showing just how deep your average Dem's respect for black Americans really goes.
I have
no problem condemning the kind of caricature PDiddie posted of Rice as that Aunt Jemima type (never heard of her, hadnt gotten previous references to it, but the picture speaks for itself really).
So, herewith. I've kinda stayed out of the US politics thing, stopped reading the American newspapers, only engage in the odd post on exit polls and the like here. So I hadnt seen stuff like the Aunt Jemima cartoon or the voodoo doll cartoon yet. But yeah - across the line, obviously.
Thats as in opposed to the Doonesbury cartoon, which again, as far as I remember (because it actually appeared quite some weeks ago) was part of a series in which GWB was depicted calling different politicians/cabinet members by varying belittling nicknames. Guess you could condemn that for childish GWB-ridiculing, but hardly for racism on the part of the cartoonist, hence why the only post I ever made on the "liberal cartoons" thread (the one that led Lash to call me someone who "encourages racism", apparently), pointed that out and pretty much nothing else.
Meanwhile, I'm also getting mighty tired of the equally collective pigeonholing/generalisation Lash is engaging in, turning every single ass hole, whether a liberTARIAN radio host or this Aunt Jem cartoonist, into "your average Dem[ocrat]". You have been doing this ad nauseam, Lash - you'll go as far as quoting a local libertarian radio host's remark and his state's liberal senator's condemnation and then "deducing" that the former proves what liberals are really like (ie, racist), whereas the latter, eh ... must be some exception. You actually based your entire argument until the last time I posted on that one example, oh and of course "hundreds" of Democrats whom you claim were chuckling, without naming any, quoting any, or linking any, and in the face of other references here (to the NYT and WaPo appraisals of Rice, for example) that suggested the opposite. You'll go as far as showing a racist caricature and quoting NAACP President Mfume's condemnation, and then off-handedly concluding that the two things together apparently shows "the Democrats" are racist ...
Dlowan's quote still
very much applies to you.
(And anyone who seriously claims I "encourage racism" on the basis of what I posted here in this thread is otherwise in my book just way over the edge - both in terms of rationality and in terms of offensiveness, so I'm not even going to bother defending myself there.)
Oh, and echoing Soz on Michael Moore as well. Opinions about Michael Moore have been
very mixed in the so-called liberal media as well.