Harper wrote:Ha ha, this is a joke, right? The most incompetent NSA chief in our history and you think that she is going to be a credible Secretary of State? Not to menton that she is a liar and perjurer.
She is a liar and a incompetent, and she has been classed as the worse NSA in recent memory.
People do not dislike her because her race or gender, it is her politics, she is a lying lapdog and bobblehead for bush, and this is not good for the job title bush wants her to hold, they say she is boring, and does not want the responsible of traveling that the sos entails.
Plus I don't see why she is not turning it down, people who know her say she really don't want the job, she wants to be secretary of defense.
You Repubs are always trying to play the race card, this has nothing to do with race, or gender.