maxdancona wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Well fine. By your definition I don't think White Nationalism is all that horrible as long as the white's who abide by it don't attempt to take anything from non-whites.
Every group in this nation exaggerates their grievances.
I value multiculturalism, there is a natural tension between White Nationalism and multiculturalism. "Horrible" is a subjective term. I am certainly work very hard to support multiculturalism; immigration, LGBT rights and acceptance of Islam are important issues.
I am happy to state my opinions, and back them with facts when I can. At the bottom of these big issue there are always value judgments and values aren't facts.
This is a mud-slinging thread.... it was clearly designed as such from the OP. I suppose that seeking a rational discussion in a mud-slinging thread is unreasonable.
That being said, there are areas where liberals and conservatives can agree. I think it is important to be able to find areas where I agree with conservatives. There are clear areas where I see the facts agree with Conservatives... I am proud of this. I have stood up to Edgar, and EhBeth and Setanta, and Izzy when I saw that they were being excessive and ridiculous.
It is very easy for conservatives to stand up to liberals, or for liberal to stand up to conservatives. This is the nature of things... it isn't surprising or honorable.
I would like to see a conservative here who is willing stand up to another conservative when they are being excessive, or ridiculous. I haven't seen any conservative here who is willing to cross this line.
Had to read all the way back to here and now I can see that it's just a bunch of bullshit.
I have stood up and will stand up to all of the conservatives here when I disagree with them just as I do with the liberals and the non-political.
Later in this thread you stated "the culture we are talking about is Northern European." Which Northern European culture are you talking about? Norwegian? Swedish? Danish? German? Polish? English? Scot? Irish? Norse? Viking? Saxon? French?
You can't come out with a statement about multiculturalism and drop something like that. It's like calling Japanese "Asian" when referring to their culture. Layman is absolutely correct in his statement "Welcome to the world." Because that is the way it is. There is no other country in the world that has the mixing of cultures like America has. Therefore, there is no comparing it to other countries to try to demonstrate how America works in comparison.
Take a look at Baldimo as an example. (Sorry for calling you out like that) He is constantly being called a racist or bigot by one liberal or another here for his views. Yet if you've paid any attention at all to his posts you'd understand that to be just patently false. Not just false, but also really, REALLY stupid.
You're pipe dream of true multiculturalism will never come to fruition because people are inherently tribal. It's how we have evolved and how our minds work. If there ever is a time of true multiculturalism it will only be because people have cross bred so much that no single culture otherwise exists. Even then, there will be animosity between fat people and skinny people. Rich people and poor people. men with hairy toes and men without hairy toes. There will ALWAYS be something that separates people.
In your head to head with Oralloy you post this:
Quote:If this were the case, and these facts were shown to be incontrovertibly true, would you then change your mind? Would you be outraged if you were shown facts that convinced you that innocent Black kids were being killed at a far greater rate than innocent White kids?
I am willing to answer the opposite question. If there are incontrovertible facts shown to me that Black kids are equally likely to be shot as White kids given the same circumstances... then I would absolutely change my mind based on the facts and agree that the racial uproar was unjustified.
If you take color out of the question and just say "Would you be outraged if you were shown facts that convinced you that innocent kids were being killed?" what do you suppose the answer would be? Why do you feel race plays a more important factor in kids being killed more than any other factor like poverty, family structure, education, drugs or neighborhood?
Oralloy answered that accordingly.
Moving on, you ask
Quote:I really wish that there were a conservative who could fill this void. It is not for me to say (because as a liberal I am not in a position to judge which thread is crossing the line, although this seems to me that it might be a good one). It would be nice to see a conservative with independent thought... any thread would be fine.
I think Finn answered perfectly
"Finn dAbuzz" wrote:I've disagreed with conservatives in this forum, but I don't feel it's my job to police the content of "conservative" members. They get plenty of feedback from liberals.
You first talk about how America is not really multicultural enough but then call for animosity within a tribe... That we have to deal with the daily diatribe of liberal guilt, angst, lies and bullshit here is more than enough for the 5 or 6 conservative posters here. As I look through Blatham's daily blog of BS, I do not see many posts from you complaining about his non-stop scurrilous activity against half of the American population. He's not even an American yet he is continuously criticizing what he sees and hardly a peep from a single liberal on A2K.
I've appreciated our back and forth on A2K, you generally seem to be a moderate liberal and your point of view is a good voice to have on A2K. But, please stop trying to force a point of view that isn't needed.