offering my humble, sometimes unwanted opinion ))
I personally still wonder who/what/where/when/why did anyone start giving a ratsass about who was sleeping with who ?
What goes on in somoene else's bedroom has nothing to do with you.
( You, being the general public.. not anyone specific )
If you are not in someones bedroom , then it isnt your business. Plain and simple. I hate to see people feel as though they need to enforce control ( however percieved ) over SOMEONE elses life.
I do apologize... this next statement may offend.. understand .. it isnt ment to.
Christians have been the ones to stand behind the " no gay marriages' rules and laws. I blame them. Not totally.. but I do point the finger at the christian-repuiblican. >sigh< That is a big part of america.
The C-R on one hand screams Seperation of church and state..
Yet on the other hand ,they enforce christianity in to the very fabric of society.
The problem with that is christianity is a sad religion ( yet again.. my opinion ) It is this religion and many others that tell you , you cant sleep with or love someone of the same sex. It is this religion that says homosexual unions are wrong and in turn teaches embarassment, self hatred, and makes people feel 'unnatural or not normal fo thier sexual orientation.
Until this country is able to TRULY seperate church and state Im afraid our gay societies are doomed.
Marriage is simply a union under a RELIGION. It shouldnt be legal..
Having marriage legal completely throws out the meaning of seperating church and state. Marriage stemmed from religious ceremonies and has seen its way into the back bone of our society. Hence.. people dont want to budge on its supposed meaning. I think the term 'marriage' should be a choice , and a legal union a freedom for everyone... of eveyr race and every sexual orientation.
But for some strange reason, people still choose to try and dictate what happens in other peoples homes and bedrooms by trying to make things illegal.
Ug.... >sigh<
If it were up to me......... well ........ that is a diffrent soap box all together.