An Apology to All the Gay a2kers

Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 08:41 pm
It wasn't fair.

I know it's not my fault, but I want to apologize to all of the people on a2k whose God-given sexual preference is something other than the majority preference in this country.

Though I am truly sorry the elections turned out as they did, they went especially bad for you. You've been treated as second-class citizens. The majority in eleven states gave you a slap in the face for the cruelest of reasons -- because it made them feel good. We could say, I suppose they will feel secure in the knowledge that they screwed the gay community. Wink Their marriage ban for certain individuals is one of the most offensive and painful things that has happened within this country since the civil rights movement.

I hope it can be remedied as soon as possible. You deserved to be treated better. I wanted to say this directly. I am sorry and I wish there were something we could have done.

Here is a little poem of love for you. I hope you find love wherever it suits you and that it is as meaningful as anything you can imagine.

I Have Loved Hours at Sea"

I have loved hours at sea, gray cities,
The fragile secret of a flower,
Music, the making of a poem
That gave me heaven for an hour;

First stars above a snowy hill,
Voices of people kindly and wise,
And the great look of love, long hidden,
Found at last in meeting eyes.

I have loved much and been loved deeply --
Oh when my spirit's fire burns low,
Leave me the darkness and the stillness,
I shall be tired and glad to go.
S. Teasdale
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 11,890 • Replies: 206
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 08:44 pm
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 08:56 pm
I expect I will be deemed "cruel" for saying this, but you don't really know their reasons for voting...there exist some rational reasons for opposing gay marriage.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 08:58 pm
stuh505....please share.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:09 pm
Or don't.

Lovely poem, Piffka. The GLBT community certainly deserved better. In time, I believe most people will come around.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:23 pm
Well I can only speak for myself. But in my opinion, if a man and a woman are to live together without children, or two brothers, or two gay people, I think they should be treated the same way under the law.

Likewise, if a person or persons raise a child, I think they should be viewed equally under the law.

But marraige is not just a legal thing, it is also a spiritual ceremony and a long-standing tradition, and it always was for a man and a woman. If this basic fact is changed, it is no longer the same long standing tradition, and I don't think that government should be allowed to mess around with the basic facts of what marraige is.

Instead I think that the legal aspects should be redefined to apply to people who aren't necessarily married...because I think the legal aspects were originally written for logical reasons having to do with people sharing responsibilities rather than for spiritual ones.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:26 pm
So, where's the rational....?
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:33 pm
I was one of the dismal 21% who voted against the Marriage Amendment in Georgia. I also took (AND GAVE) lumps in Psychology class today arguing for Gay Marriage.

(I was the ONLY pro-)


What hurt me most was the guy who sits next to me in another class...the discussion got rather abusive among four or five women, in hearing of the gay guy who sits next to me. I noticed he just made himself busy with papers on his desk. He's not 'out' so to speak--but they either don't realize he's gay, or don't care what they say around him.

Its him we should be thinking of.

The kids who were so vociforously anti-gay marriage were mainly concerned that legalized gay marriage would signal to children that 'it is ok'. (Sounds like my drug argument...) They are convinced it's a choice.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:36 pm

Who on earth would choose to be treated like a 2nd class citizen? The poor fellow must have felt like a leper.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:40 pm
msolga, Lash never implied that she personally agreed with that opinion. But it can't really be denied that for a large percentage, it is a choice. A lot of people think it is "the cool thing to do", it's sort of a rebellion thing.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:42 pm
Oh, I KNOW, that, stuh505. I was agreeing with her! Smile
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 09:44 pm
I do feel sorry for him, too.

I understand your rationale, stuh, but for a great many in America, marriage is NOT a spiritual thing. It's a legal thing and a financial thing. And most of all, a love thing. I, too, think gay couples should have the same legal and financial benefits as straight couples. If a church decides not to perform a ceremony, there are alternatives. My parents, for example, were not married in a church. They were married in a civil ceremony in a judge's office. But no one considered them any less married for it.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 11:06 pm
I agree! There should be some legal protection for
gay unions that encompass the same legal rights
straight couples enjoy. Their sexual preference
should not be the indicator for a separate family law
excluding them from the benefits of marriage.
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Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2004 11:45 pm
stuh505 wrote:
But it can't really be denied that for a large percentage, it is a choice. A lot of people think it is "the cool thing to do", it's sort of a rebellion thing.

Oh, but it can be denied. I think you are incorrect, so does the American Psychological Association as well as the American Psychiatric Association.

I'm not going to argue with you though... this is a thread of sorrow.
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willow tl
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 12:20 am
Don't be sad Pifflka...One day we will prevail...
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Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 01:25 am
Good way to put it, Calamity Jane, Eva. Thanks, Willow, Thanks, everyone... even Stuh. I didn't mean to grouch at you.

To me, it's just a kindness to allow two people who want to have a relationship be recognized by the courts and government as well as their friends.
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Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 01:50 am
homosexuality choice...homosexuality genetic...who gives a ****?

Here's an idea...let's fix the environment.....let's work globally to stop killing each other.....let's figure out how everyone can be educated and have healthcare and let's switch our medical system from, as Howard Dean said, a sickness model to a wellness model....lets take care of our children and make them secure and loved.....let's make criminals accountable and let's eliminate not only terrorism but the model of global behavior that spawns it......after we take care of that...let's worry about who's putting what dick in what hole or whose mouth on whose genitals............if we have the energy to worry about it......until then let people go about their business in their private lives and everybody SHUT THE F*#K UP ABOUT IT!!!!!

Of course...that's just my opinion Confused
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the prince
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 02:51 am
You can stop us from marrying, but you can't stop us from living as human beings, loving our partners and leading a dignified existance.

Our time will come. You can't stop it from coming.
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Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 04:40 am
I believe you're right, Gautam. And the sooner the better, I think. I look forward to that day.

Meanwhile, I hope that you and my other gay friends know without being told that you have my full support, my deepest respect, and my love.
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Grand Duke
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 04:50 am
Gautam wrote:
You can't stop it from coming.

I can recommend a tantric technique to stop this happening if you want, G? :wink:

On a serious note, I can't see any problem in gay marriage for legal & financial reasons. When it comes to matters of gay couples adopting kids, then my mind is confused. I'm probably agnostic about it - don't know don't care, as I neither gay nor a kid it is not likely to affect me.
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