Okay, Dems, What Went Wrong? And How Can We Fix It?

Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 12:26 pm

It's a long colorful list.

1) the high courts in five provinces and one territory have found that bans on gay marriage constitute violations of the equality provisions in our constitution.

2) the federal government is making moves to de-criminalize marijuana possession (they may or may not have the balls to do it however, and the US will be quite happy to threaten and push trade sanctions to inhibit such a move...the US ambassador here is a prime asshole by the by)

3) Canada refused to join the 'coalition' in Iraq and did so with public statements that didn't land happily on the ears of many yanquis

4) a highup in the PM's office during the prewar period referred to Bush (with reporters about) as a "moron"

5) another highup recently crushed a Bush doll

6) we are bigger

7) we have French people

8) we, in the same sort of large percentage as European countries, think the Bush administration is dangerous to living things

9) we don't buy Coulter's books
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 12:33 pm
Excellent reasons, every one.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 12:33 pm
President Bush made the first visit to Canada by a U.S. president in 10 years yesterday, and all seems to have gone off without a hitch. Bush thanked the Canadians that turned out to wave at him "with all five fingers." Guess some people just aren't very grateful.

The president, explaining that he realized most Canadians did not support the war in Iraq, said "I'm the kind of fellow who does what he thinks is right, and will continue to do what I think is right." That's a nice little shot at politicians in Canada that stick their wet finger in the air to see which way the political wind is blowing. When asked further about the polls in Canada, Bush shot back "We just had a poll in our country when people decided that the foreign policy of the Bush administration ought to stay in place for four more years." So much for that idea.

The fact of the matter is that Canada relies on the United States, and has for years. Economically, Canada would not exist without the United States. We have also provided and paid for a large portion of their national security for years. We provide better security for our borders than do they. Believe it or not, Canada has a much more lax immigration system than we do (as if that could actually be possible.)

They always fall back into line....because they have to. Without the United States, Canada is nothing. And they know it.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 12:35 pm
Well, and some Canadians can really philander, as I painfully learnt in some discotheks, frequented by Canadian soldiers, in the late 60's Twisted Evil
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 12:41 pm
"I'm the kind of fellow who does what he thinks is right, and will continue to do what I think is right."

Translated meaning, "I don't care what anyone else thinks. I take my orders from Dick."
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 12:57 pm
Lola wrote:
"I'm the kind of fellow who does what he thinks is right, and will continue to do what I think is right."

Translated meaning, "I don't care what anyone else thinks. I take my orders from Dick."

yep, that about covers it, lola. dubya knows dick. Embarrassed

or to paraphrase yawn hammity, "i don't doubt that the president is sincere. but he is sincerely wrong".
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:06 pm

Canada and the US get on fine, except when madmen are at your helm, as with Nixon, and moreso with Bush. Polls here, as in Europe, show that the vast majority of citizens are quite fond of Americans, but at the same time, quite despise this particular administration.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:30 pm
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:34 pm
Stop whining, george.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:36 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Stop whining, george.

This from the other thread:

georgeob1 wrote:
We are certainly self-righteous, but we don't whine.

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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:37 pm
"family member" interesting. After I came home from the dirty little asia war my brother was up for the draft (lottery by then) and my brother made plans to go to canada depending on how his number came up. Our uncle proclaimed quite loudly that if my brother went to canada, he would personally go to canada, find him and drag him back to the draft board. Family ties are not always what one would hope for.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 02:44 pm
Gee, dys, if I thought you were in danger of the brimstone, I would feel obliged to lead you into salvation. My conscience would not permit otherwise.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 04:33 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Stop whining, george.

please don't interupt george while he's complaining that the canadians are not being patriotic u.s. citizens.

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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 04:34 pm
dyslexia wrote:
"family member" interesting. After I came home from the dirty little asia war my brother was up for the draft (lottery by then) and my brother made plans to go to canada depending on how his number came up. Our uncle proclaimed quite loudly that if my brother went to canada, he would personally go to canada, find him and drag him back to the draft board. Family ties are not always what one would hope for.

more important than what unk thought, what was your reaction to your brother's announcement, dys?
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 04:47 pm
I intended to drive my brother as far as north as need be.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 05:01 pm
dyslexia wrote:
I intended to drive my brother as far as north as need be.

kind of like; "when you've been there, you know. and i come back with these words... don't go there". :wink:
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:22 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
george...this is the dumbest fukking thing you've ever written here. You confuse 'friend' and 'spineless sycophant', which might lead one to wonder about your friends. What allegiance Canada holds with the US is derived from shared histories, culture, and principles. When you get an administration that operates in violation of such culture and principles, and yet thinks we ought to sign on, we'll send over a sovereign 'fuk you'. Do you have any glimpse at all of how ego-centric your charge above is? The US, being 'a close friend or family member' ought to, obviously, support and help fund Canada's quest to alleviate the drug problem through our three-pronged strategy including needle exchanges and safe houses for intravenous users. You know, being our friend and all.

And like McG above, you'll probably speak of how the US has protected Canada's security. This argument might have some credence if your economy wasn't utterly dependent upon the promotion of war and the production and sales of weaponry and military 'services'.

The divergence continued with over policy & relationships with Cuba, issues with respect to its military commitments in NATO and other matters as well. Things warmed up again during the Reagan-Mulroney years, but turned back down under Jean Cretien, particularly after out 2000 elections. This is often portrayed as Canada's reaction to President Bush, but the facts indicate otherwise.

No big surprise re Mulroney. The man has corporate ties that link him in to the top power corporate power structures in America (he's on the board of ADM and god knows who else) and he never met an American ass he didn't bend over to kiss. The corruption of his government was so egregious that after his tenure as PM, he and his party became so hated by Canadians that his party was destroyed...actually destroyed...it no longer exists. And you've got your facts wrong re Chretien, buddy. The relationship between Canada and the US while Clinton and Cretien were in office was as agreeable as any other point post-war. It WAS the arrival of the Bush administration that marks the decline in our relationship - which I heartily and robustly salute.

The U.S. is Canada's principal trading partner by a large margin. With respect to all her other trading partners, Canada is a substantial net importer. However Canada enjoys an enormously favorable balance of trade with the U.S., one which far overcomes her negative trade balance with all her other partners, leaving Canada with a very large overall favorable trade balance. Canada is very quick to dispute any regulatory action on our part that directly or indirectly reduces her exports to the U.S. , but generally unwilling to accommodate U.S. exports on an equal basis.

Oh come on. Canada is also the US's main trading partner. And as to the US's benevolence and charity in trade matters, how many WTO disputes have found in favor of US demands or sanctions, and how many for Canada?

Moreover, Canada has been fairly deaf to the requests of the U.S,. Government for regional border controls and the enforcement of drugs laws.

Perhaps because we think your country is more than a little nuts on either matter. The fellows responsible for 9-11 were allowed in by your own immigration services, not that of your neighbors. As to drugs, your nation is, or is very near to, the world leader in drug consumption, legal and illegal. Your 'war on drugs' (a great boon for pseudo-warfare rhetoric, weapons manufacturers and the Pentagon) is so deeply counter to almost every empirical study that has ever been done that the continuance of it can only be considered pathological. If there is rot to be found, it is in yourself, not your neighbors.

There is no doubt that being the close neighbor of the United States can be exasperating for Canadians at times. However the reverse is true as well. I find Canadians increasingly self-righteous and particularly tiresome in their constant whining.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:28 pm
I;m beginning to think Bernie doesn't agree with me on this point.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:31 pm
Well, this looks like it - at least, seeing at it from the great distance over the big pond.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 09:13 pm

Sheila: Time's have changed
Our kids are kids are getting worse
They wont obey their parents
They just want to fart and curse!
Sharon: Should we blame the government?
Liane: Or blame society?
Dads: Or should we blame the images on TV?
Sheila: No, blame Canada
Everyone: Blame Canada
Sheila: With all their beady little eyes
And flappin heads so full of lies
Everyone: Blame Canada
Blame Canada
Sheila: We need to form a full assault
Everyone: It's Canadas fault!
Sharon: Don't blame me
For my son Stan
He saw the darn cartoon
And now he's off to join the Klan!
Liane: And my boy Eric once
Had my picture on his shelf
But now when I see him he tells me to **** myself!
Sheila: Well, blame Canada
Everyone: Blame Canada
It seems that everythings gone wrong
Since Canada came along
Everyone: Blame Canada
Blame Canada
Some Guy: There not even a real country anyway
Ms. McCormick: My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer it's true
Instead he burned up like a piggy on a barbecue
Everyone: Should we blame the matches?
Should we blame the fire?
Or the doctors who allowed him to expire?
Sheila: Heck no!
Everyone: Blame Canada
Blame Canada
Sheila: With all their hockey hubbabaloo
Liane: And that bitch Anne Murray too
Everyone: Blame Canada
Shame on Canada
The smut we must stop
The trash we must smash
Laughter and fun
must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before someone thinks of blaming uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus

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