DontTreadOnMe wrote: the "13 fools", as you call them, are representitives of a constituancy. if their constituants are of the opinion that dr. rice is not the right person for the position, it is the representitive's job to voice that opinion.
DTOM, the woman would have been serving the country this week if they could have been satisfied with their BS last week. Not one of them thought for even a second they would be able to block the nomination. I believe each even said as much as they spoke. There are plenty of issues, that aren't forgone conclusions, that they could have worked on insteadÂ… if only they cared half as much about doing their jobs as they do about being filmed doing it.
DontTreadOnMe wrote: maybe they said things that you disagree with, or maybe don't care to hear, but they didn't waste time.
It isn't that I disagreed... it's that there was ZERO chance of altering the fore drawn conclusion, and
everyone there knew it.
DontTreadOnMe wrote: unless, you also think that it was wasted time as representitives also took turns retelling dr. rice's biography and heaping praise on her name.
Absolutely. Though, it should be said, in case anyone doesn't know that the only reason there were hearings for them to rebut at is because the 2 fools requested EXTRA time to waste in the first place. It was vividly clear grandstanding with (and I can't emphasize this enough) ZERO chance of changing the outcome. This type of hyper partisan idiocy IS the reason the party is slipping. Though I doubt Mass will ever pull it's head out it's collective a$$, anyway.
DontTreadOnMe wrote:d e m o c r a c y
Faulty invocation. The Democrats backing Rice, alone, outnumbered the 13 fools without any help from the Republicans at all. Wasting this much time to bring an 85-13 vote should be a matter of shame to the constituents who vote for these fools. There are better things to do. Again, just in case someone doesn't know, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee endorsed Rice's nomination 16-2 vote, so Boxer and Kerry, are not being bashed unfairly for this idiocy; they are factually to blame.
FreeDuck: Good on you to recognize this foolishness for what it is. Btw, while no one made a bigger a$$ of themselves than Boxer, Kerry and Kennedy fought a very spirited battle for second.
If you haven't guessed, I watched it on CSPAN.
(Lol, JW... no, he didn't.)