Bush supporters' aftermath thread

Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 01:40 am
[I didn't comment on "repugnant" re your leadership, as you noticed Laughing ]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 03:53 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
[I didn't comment on "repugnant" re your leadership, as you noticed Laughing ]

Neither did I. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 08:41 am
Here's a tasty little tidbit for all of us. Are we discussing the issues or are we arguing about ideology?

Emory study reveals the political brain
ATLANTA, Jan. 24 (UPI) -- Emory University scientists say political partisans of both parties apparently don't let facts interfere with their judgments on political issues.

The investigators used functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, to study a sample of committed Democrats and Republicans immediately prior to the 2004 U.S. presidential election.

The participants were asked to evaluate threatening information about their own candidate while undergoing fMRI. The scientists say what they found was striking.

[URL=http://]more here[/URL]
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Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 08:42 am
Thomas and Walter are exceptions........sometimes.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 08:42 am
Can't get the link to work Lola
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Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 09:14 am
Thomas, I know what I wrote. I also know that no one has shown any other time before or since 9-11 that an airplane veered off course that it was not intercepted in a matter of minutes. Here we have four passenger jets loaded with dozens of people, all off course at the same time and some people would have us believe that this was a massive screw up by FAA, by NORAD & by all the pilots on standby all over this country. Additionally when an interceptor plane (or planes) were finally sent up, they were sent from Otis AFB in MA after the WTC & the Pentagon was hit instead of Andrews AFB which was a hop, skip and jump from the Pentagon!

Gosh that was really smart! If all this happened maybe bu$h really was in charge that day. Maybe that was a stunt double reading "My Pet Goat" to school kids that day. Hell, if we are going to believe all that other crap we may as well believe this too.

As someone who was in the Air Force & married to an AF officer in the old SAC (Strategic Air Command- It has a new name now that I cannot recall) I know that those pilots had to be airborne in ten minutes or less once they were notified of any emergency. If they were not they were subject to many hours, day or even weeks of additional training.

True it's been a while since my days in and around the Air Force but if anything there should have been improvements since the Vietnam era, don't you think?

I also know that procedures are in place that the intercept happens automatically once the FAA notifies NORAD that a plane is off course. No one has to call the White House for permission as Dick Cheney stated on an interview with Tim Russert later. Cheney changed that story several times during that one interview if I remember correctly.

All of these actions have guidelines & permissions in place so the only obvious argument that can be presented, as shown by a number of people, is that a stand down was ordered by someone high up in the administration and the evidence seems to point to Cheney. A lowly pilot cannot order a stand down. However Cheney could & probably did. After all it has been obvious who the "real" president was & still is in this sorry administration.

The second person who could have done this would have been Donald Rumsfeld as the Sec. of Defense. Four civilian passenger planes are not only off course but turn and circle back toward major cities and the know it alls here would have us believe that everything was hunky-dory and that I should not question the motives of a gang of thugs who have lied, cheated & badgered their way into two illegal wars and conducted an attack on the Constitution of the United States that would make Adolph Hitler envious.

I have not read all of the 9-11 commission report. What I saw of the investigation on TV was enough to tell me that this was nothing but a farce with bu$h calling the shots as usual and limiting the investigation. Isn't this the same investigation where Cheney & bu$h appeared hand in hand. Bu$h was not allowed to testify under oath or by himself. Yes the words "not allowed" are mine and no I cannot "prove" that this is the reason for the bobbsey twins appearance. I should not have to prove anything that is as obvious as the nose on your face.

This link that I posted last night is a well written article that compares the 9-11 commission report to the facts among other things:

The apparent air defense stand-down
Remarkably little attention has been paid in the mainstream press to the simple question of why the most expensive and technologically advanced air defense system in the world was unable to protect the U.S. homeland for almost two hours after the first indications of trouble in the skies. How did it happen that 19 Arab alleged hijackers with minimal flying skills were able to take over four planes and successfully pilot them through heavily trafficked air corridors on illegal flight plans without routine military interception? Is it conceivable that the U.S. did not have the timely information required to prevent the attacks?

Under normal conditions, the military would have been notified within minutes and under standard operating procedures the wayward passenger plane would have been intercepted by 8:24 or 8:30 at the latest. Such interceptions are routine. The FAA reported that in a 10-month period before 9/11, between September 2000 and June 2001 there were 67 military interceptions of passenger planes.

9/11, An Inside Job? A review essay based on David Ray Griffin's research by Ronald Bleier
July 2005 ............... http://desip.igc.org/GriffinReviewPt1_7-1-05.htm

Read the article for yourself instead of continuing to badger me for proof that you have to know is now either buried deep in the Pentagon or destroyed.

This country was built on dissent and I plan to continue to dissent when idiots are trying to destroy it with lies, deceit & murder. Yes, I know that Cheney & bu$h & the rest of that shyster administration are murderers. They are the ones who lied us into a war and have murdered thousands of innocent people in the process. And yes, I believe that they murdered those thousands of people who died in the WTC, the Pentagon and on flight 77. Their Pearl Harbor..... Operation Northwoods, revised and carried out.

If the people posting here want to believe all the science fiction coming from this administration, they are free to do so. It does not mean that I have to believe it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 09:25 am
If you think that jets are scrambled every time a passenger liner goes off course, at least prior to 9-11, I have a nice bridge I would like to sell you. I have a close relative who flew for Braniff before they closed down and another who flies for Frontier. They have to write a Looooooooong report explaining WHY they got off course when or if they do, but no fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 09:39 am
Foxfyre wrote:
If you think that jets are scrambled every time a passenger liner goes off course, at least prior to 9-11, I have a nice bridge I would like to sell you. I have a close relative who flew for Braniff before they closed down and another who flies for Frontier. They have to write a Looooooooong report explaining WHY they got off course when or if they do, but no fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem.

You prove my point with "fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem".

Do you really expect reasonable people to believe that 4 passenger jets being not only off course but circling back toward major cities was not an indication of a prolem?

I think I will pass on your bridge since it's probably in the same condition as your argument.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 09:46 am
Magginkat wrote:
This link that I posted last night is a well written article that compares the 9-11 commission report to the facts among other things:

More precisely, it is an opinion-piece about the say-so in a book by a philosopher with no demonstrated competence in the matter. I have no further questions about your evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 10:45 am
When Cycloptichorn and I agree on something: Call your bookie and accept odds up to ten to one that we're correct.

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 01:16 pm
Magginkat wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
If you think that jets are scrambled every time a passenger liner goes off course, at least prior to 9-11, I have a nice bridge I would like to sell you. I have a close relative who flew for Braniff before they closed down and another who flies for Frontier. They have to write a Looooooooong report explaining WHY they got off course when or if they do, but no fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem.

You prove my point with "fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem".

Do you really expect reasonable people to believe that 4 passenger jets being not only off course but circling back toward major cities was not an indication of a prolem?

I think I will pass on your bridge since it's probably in the same condition as your argument.

You wrote
Thomas, I know what I wrote. I also know that no one has shown any other time before or since 9-11 that an airplane veered off course that it was not intercepted in a matter of minutes.

Well I think you'll have a really tough time showing that passenger liners were considered much of a threat prior to 9-11 and that all who veer off course are intercepted in a matter of minutes. Which is what I said. According to my commercial pilot relatives, my argument is in pretty good shape. How's yours?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 01:41 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Magginkat wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
If you think that jets are scrambled every time a passenger liner goes off course, at least prior to 9-11, I have a nice bridge I would like to sell you. I have a close relative who flew for Braniff before they closed down and another who flies for Frontier. They have to write a Looooooooong report explaining WHY they got off course when or if they do, but no fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem.

You prove my point with "fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem".

Do you really expect reasonable people to believe that 4 passenger jets being not only off course but circling back toward major cities was not an indication of a prolem?

I think I will pass on your bridge since it's probably in the same condition as your argument.

You wrote
Thomas, I know what I wrote. I also know that no one has shown any other time before or since 9-11 that an airplane veered off course that it was not intercepted in a matter of minutes.

Well I think you'll have a really tough time showing that passenger liners were considered much of a threat prior to 9-11 and that all who veer off course are intercepted in a matter of minutes. Which is what I said. According to my commercial pilot relatives, my argument is in pretty good shape. How's yours?


Amazing how you Repugs always have the appropriate friend, doctor, lawyer, relative, etc., who have just the right info to supposedly prove your point, no matter how rediculous it may be. To you and your "commerical pilot relatives" I refer you to a piece written by Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue:

If you don't think the rights-robbing, privacy-invading, Constitution ignoring administration of George W. Bush is anything less than a Hitler-style Gestapo then you've got your head stuffed so far up your a** that all that brown stuff is blinding you.

America, once hailed as the land of the free, has - under the tyranny of King George - become Amerika, reviled as a global thug that doesn't give a damn about anyone's rights, especially those of its own citizens.

Protest if you want. Spout the Republican Party line is you can without gagging. I don't give a damn. If you believe George W. Bush is anything less than an American Hitler then you're too damn dumb and stupid to argue with anyway.

Bush is an evil man, a power-grapping despot who believes in absolute rule, a madman so wrapped up in his perceived role as "a wartime President" and "Commander in Chief" that he believes no law applies to him or his rotting, corrupt, administration. The Constitution? Why it's just "a goddamned piece of paper" to this insane megalomaniac.

The only cretins who support this dictator are the brain-dead Republicans who put power above the law and party loyalty above their country.


Bring on the screams of righteous indignation all the while ignoring what that scoundrel is doing to you and to the country.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 02:21 pm
Magginkat wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Magginkat wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
If you think that jets are scrambled every time a passenger liner goes off course, at least prior to 9-11, I have a nice bridge I would like to sell you. I have a close relative who flew for Braniff before they closed down and another who flies for Frontier. They have to write a Looooooooong report explaining WHY they got off course when or if they do, but no fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem.

You prove my point with "fighter jets come looking for them unless there is indication of a problem".

Do you really expect reasonable people to believe that 4 passenger jets being not only off course but circling back toward major cities was not an indication of a prolem?

I think I will pass on your bridge since it's probably in the same condition as your argument.

You wrote
Thomas, I know what I wrote. I also know that no one has shown any other time before or since 9-11 that an airplane veered off course that it was not intercepted in a matter of minutes.

Well I think you'll have a really tough time showing that passenger liners were considered much of a threat prior to 9-11 and that all who veer off course are intercepted in a matter of minutes. Which is what I said. According to my commercial pilot relatives, my argument is in pretty good shape. How's yours?


Amazing how you Repugs always have the appropriate friend, doctor, lawyer, relative, etc., who have just the right info to supposedly prove your point, no matter how rediculous it may be. To you and your "commerical pilot relatives" I refer you to a piece written by Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue:

If you don't think the rights-robbing, privacy-invading, Constitution ignoring administration of George W. Bush is anything less than a Hitler-style Gestapo then you've got your head stuffed so far up your a** that all that brown stuff is blinding you.

America, once hailed as the land of the free, has - under the tyranny of King George - become Amerika, reviled as a global thug that doesn't give a damn about anyone's rights, especially those of its own citizens.

Protest if you want. Spout the Republican Party line is you can without gagging. I don't give a damn. If you believe George W. Bush is anything less than an American Hitler then you're too damn dumb and stupid to argue with anyway.

Bush is an evil man, a power-grapping despot who believes in absolute rule, a madman so wrapped up in his perceived role as "a wartime President" and "Commander in Chief" that he believes no law applies to him or his rotting, corrupt, administration. The Constitution? Why it's just "a goddamned piece of paper" to this insane megalomaniac.

The only cretins who support this dictator are the brain-dead Republicans who put power above the law and party loyalty above their country.


Bring on the screams of righteous indignation all the while ignoring what that scoundrel is doing to you and to the country.

And this has to do what with interception of passenger planes?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 02:32 pm
Now, Doug Thompson ia a REAL American!

A real American asshole that is....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 03:11 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
And this has to do what with interception of passenger planes?

Nothing, Foxy. But it's an anti-Bush screed so she obviously felt this thread was the appropriate place to post it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 04:39 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
And this has to do what with interception of passenger planes?

Nothing, Foxy. But it's an anti-Bush screed so she obviously felt this thread was the appropriate place to post it.

It had everything to do with this thread which, if I remember is named bu$h supporters, aftermath.

I can't think of anything more appropriate than a commentary about the aftermath of bu$h's rotten agenda, his obscene war, his attack on the Constitution and all the other garbage that has accompanied that poor fool.

If Foxy can bring his "relatives" into the discussion then surely I can bring someone who comments on the topic of this thread.....bu$h and his rotten agenda, his dictatorial actions, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 04:48 pm
My relatives, however, have some first hand experience with this and you were responding to a discussion on interception of airplanes that you started. And the reason I have some relatives who are pilots is that so many members of my family have been in the military and military pilots not infrequently become commercial pilots.

And I am no he.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 05:56 pm
If you don't think the rights-robbing, privacy-invading, Constitution ignoring administration of George W. Bush is anything less than a Hitler-style Gestapo then you've got your head stuffed so far up your a** that all that brown stuff is blinding you.
If this imbecile had any clue who Hitler was and believed his own drivel, he wouldn't dare publish such an opinion. He wouldn't get away with it under Saddam's rule, let alone Hitler's. It's almost comical how someone considered worthy being published could ignore such an obvious contradiction. Is it runaway passion, shameless profiteering off the terminally clueless, a joke in poor taste or just plain idiocy? Rolling Eyes Almost as foolish, is repeating it. Idea
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 08:38 pm
I will site the last 650 pages of this thread as a fine example of the following:

Here's the story in the NYTimes:

nytimes article

And here's the article from Emory's public release:


Emory study lights up the political brain
When it comes to forming opinions and making judgments on hot political issues, partisans of both parties don't let facts get in the way of their decision-making, according to a new Emory University study. The research sheds light on why staunch Democrats and Republicans can hear the same information, but walk away with opposite conclusions.
The investigators used functional neuroimaging (fMRI) to study a sample of committed Democrats and Republicans during the three months prior to the U.S. Presidential election of 2004. The Democrats and Republicans were given a reasoning task in which they had to evaluate threatening information about their own candidate. During the task, the subjects underwent fMRI to see what parts of their brain were active. What the researchers found was striking.

"We did not see any increased activation of the parts of the brain normally engaged during reasoning," says Drew Westen, director of clinical psychology at Emory who led the study. "What we saw instead was a network of emotion circuits lighting up, including circuits hypothesized to be involved in regulating emotion, and circuits known to be involved in resolving conflicts." Westen and his colleagues will present their findings at the Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Jan. 28.

Once partisans had come to completely biased conclusions -- essentially finding ways to ignore information that could not be rationally discounted -- not only did circuits that mediate negative emotions like sadness and disgust turn off, but subjects got a blast of activation in circuits involved in reward -- similar to what addicts receive when they get their fix, Westen explains.

"None of the circuits involved in conscious reasoning were particularly engaged," says Westen. "Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones."

During the study, the partisans were given 18 sets of stimuli, six each regarding President George W. Bush, his challenger, Senator John Kerry, and politically neutral male control figures such as actor Tom Hanks. For each set of stimuli, partisans first read a statement from the target (Bush or Kerry). The first statement was followed by a second statement that documented a clear contradiction between the target's words and deeds, generally suggesting that the candidate was dishonest or pandering.

Next, partisans were asked to consider the discrepancy, and then to rate the extent to which the person's words and deeds were contradictory. Finally, they were presented with an exculpatory statement that might explain away the apparent contradiction, and asked to reconsider and again rate the extent to which the target's words and deeds were contradictory.

Behavioral data showed a pattern of emotionally biased reasoning: partisans denied obvious contradictions for their own candidate that they had no difficulty detecting in the opposing candidate. Importantly, in both their behavioral and neural responses, Republicans and Democrats did not differ in the way they responded to contradictions for the neutral control targets, such as Hanks, but Democrats responded to Kerry as Republicans responded to Bush.

While reasoning about apparent contradictions for their own candidate, partisans showed activations throughout the orbital frontal cortex, indicating emotional processing and presumably emotion regulation strategies. There also were activations in areas of the brain associated with the experience of unpleasant emotions, the processing of emotion and conflict, and judgments of forgiveness and moral accountability.

Notably absent were any increases in activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain most associated with reasoning (as well as conscious efforts to suppress emotion). The finding suggests that the emotion-driven processes that lead to biased judgments likely occur outside of awareness, and are distinct from normal reasoning processes when emotion is not so heavily engaged, says Westen.

The investigators hypothesize that emotionally biased reasoning leads to the "stamping in" or reinforcement of a defensive belief, associating the participant's "revisionist" account of the data with positive emotion or relief and elimination of distress. "The result is that partisan beliefs are calcified, and the person can learn very little from new data," Westen says.

The study has potentially wide implications, from politics to business, and demonstrates that emotional bias can play a strong role in decision-making, Westen says. "Everyone from executives and judges to scientists and politicians may reason to emotionally biased judgments when they have a vested interest in how to interpret 'the facts,' " Westen says.

Coauthors of the study include Pavel Blagov and Stephan Hamann of the Emory Department of Psychology, and Keith Harenski and Clint Kilts of the Emory Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2006 09:12 pm
Sounds to me like some fairly typical psyco babble, pseudo science from the statistical psychology factory. The outcome clearly depends on the sample selection and the unstated definition of a "committed" Democrat or Republican. What are the confidence limits for their findings? What was the situation and how much factual and reasoned argument was involved?

That said, it is nice to see you posting here again Lola.

Been travelling and missed the tempest over Magginkat's latest fantasy. Somehow, I think I'll get over it.
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